How much gear you need for heroic lich king 10man?

Title. He hits for over 30k per hit on tank and I got absolutely crushed with a 57k health pool as bear tank, he could 2shot me. So I’m wondering how much gear is needed before you should even potentially attempt him?

Is he even possible to kill with only 10man loot?

For comparison I did kill all other heroic bosses with easily, didnt even feel like having to use defensive cd often. But jesus christ he hits like a truck.

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How good are you at the game? How good are the people you’re playing with? What classes are you running with? How much time do you have. I’m fairly certain it can be done with ilvl 251 gearsets or less, but that’s not realistic for 99% of groups.

At ilvl258 avg then it’s very very doable, as is 25man if you’re good enough and have enough time to practice, like the top guilds did.

6k gearscore on each member should be a great level to enter prog on him.

LK10 is about defensive rotation and your healers not dropping gcds during heavy incoming.

You need a muscle memory rhythm on your defensive rotations and your healers and tanks need to be on the same page as to when you need constant heals.

Takes a while to get down :slight_smile: gl

Heroic Lichking on 251 gearset? really?

You can do 25 on full 258 gearset, so yes, mathemathically it’s very possible, especially with t10 set bonuses and icc trinkets.

But realistically you’re gonna kill all other bosses on heroic before LK so your raid should be in a healthy mix of 264 and 277 from the easy 25 hc bosses.

Over 9000 i think

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On Retail, literally nobody killed it before they started adding the instance-wide buff. So really if you aren’t top progressin guild (which you aren’t since they killed it week 1), you should have a mix of 264 and 277 gear from 25 man. LK hc really is a tier above the other HC bosses. There’s a reason it isn’t in the mount meta.

10 man isn’t imo. There are no nasty DPS checks in 10 man and the valks are a joke.

25 man though I would expect 50-100 wipes to get it down in a normal guild

It is and saying it isn’t is some weird flex or a mistake.

300 25 kills
600 10 kills

thousands of kills on other bosses.
Lk10 certainly is a tier above other HC10 bosses.

A cut above other 10 man bosses? Sure. But LK is pretty easy compared to Sindy or professor hc on 25.

Certainly the DPS and HPS checks are much easier. I think the reason there are fewer 10 man kills is that it’s not worth it. 264 tokens you can get elsewhere and the 271 weapons fall short of weapons from easier 25 hc bosses.

You think LK is easier than Sindy or Prof? wat

There are 317 total LKhc25 kills.

2602 Prof
3188 Sindy


Lk 10 compared to Sindy and professor hc 25 is what I said.

LK 10 is just not worth it for what you get imo.

Why would you compare these?

Because if you’re in a 10 man unless you have 11/12 hc 25 down your time is better spent focusing on finding a group to do that then progressing LK in 10 man, where he drops worse stuff then the easy 25 man bosses.

Your comparing them because 25m drops better loot kekw?
They are on separate lockouts.

Clearing 11/12 10 man in like 3 hours is easy emblems, 264 tokens and some 2-3rd bis gear. Why would you then spend many hours wiping on LK10HC for a gear that is worse than what puggable 25man bosses drop. It’s a massive time and morale investment, and if your team is just average, it might be basically impossible with the time you have. And the buff is gonna drop soon anyway, possibly as soon as when SoD releases in 2 weeks, and then you can get your cheev without the pain.
Learning LK10HC is only for people who want the bragging right to get it before the buff, and those people mostly already did it among those 600 existing kills.
I know I won’t even bother until 30% buff. Just keep gearing and have some relaxed raids for the wyrms.

Sindragosa is not hard at all on 25 HC. LK HC 10 is way harder than that. lol. (Havent done PP 25 HC yet (doing tomorow) so can not say about that one)

Putricide has a lot of stuff to work through, but it’s also one you could kinda fluke kill on your first try if you have good dps. Whole fight is about positioning and a bit RNG, which is why you could fluke it and then wipe to it every week because your positioning isn’t good.

Dunno if it’s harder than LK 10hc tho, maybe, maybe not. Kinda hard to judge 10 vs 25 with fights like this. Putri is the 2nd hardest fight on 25man, Sindra is the 2nd hardest on 10man. I really hope they don’t do the buff yet, most guilds getting their first Shadowmourne this week is which itself is a meaningful difference to raid dps (based on our Putri kill this week and the Ret/Fury who got SM doing just shy of 12k dps, compared to last weeks top dps of 10.4k)

personally i didnt find 10 hc too difficult as a tank. im 6k dk tank with deepblood heart strike build, and he hit me for 23k average, 10k minimum 37k maximum. the main issue is people not failing mechanics, and i do agree that lk hc 10 is not worth the effort required for the loot given

Idk, I guess I would need 4set completed before tanking him. The tier bonus for druids is really good.