How much I hate the Horde

This is what happens when you constantly annoy me trying to 5v1 me. Okay, get 1v5’d then.

I know my tricks.

(This is just banter, no real hate guys. I’m GLAD for the Horde existing in bigger numbers, more insane things for me to pull <3)


let me make popcorn and let hate comment start

uh oh wait wait , i am bringing coca cola and chips

Damn, you’re so cool.

I too hate the Horde, not really, but this war needs an enema!

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I am sure those guys somwhere on forum multiplies posts about how OP and insane are Destro locks and they “NEED TO BE NERFED OR I LEAVE THAT GANME!!!111111” :baby:t2::baby:t2::baby:t2:

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Yeah, just the other day. I was doing my quest in Nazjatar, killing elite Naga. Then out of nowhere an outlaw rogue appeared among 4 Nagas. He was constantly stunning and doing his thing but sadly he couldn’t kill me ; ;. Instead, I gave him want he really wanted. Death!! xD


He wanted a swift and shinefull death from pally :slight_smile:


Whaaaat? Lol. Am i reading this correctly?

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No offense, but this sounds made up. Too much detail. You sure it wasnt 4 rogues, 6 elite nagas and an rare?

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Gotta watch some old cartoons to get that one :smiling_face:

Very nice!

Does it give a better vision than the dictionary? :sweat:

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Dictionary is just made up words, I trust Looney Tunes before I trust the dictionary!

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The wisdom in these words :pensive:

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Excuse me…

What are we lookin in the picture?
Or the purpose of this thread in general

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From what i see you got 3 or 4 allies with you and one of them also has the pvp azerite buff. You sure you did this all alone? I doubt that.

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