How much more

dmg do tanks take in world pvp? Seeing my only heal spell heal for half the amount in pvp while I feel like a paper tank, I live longer as ret tbh.
Protection pally pov with 458 ilvl

Prot paladin is probably one of the squishier tanks in pvp when you keep in mind all tanks take 50% increased damage, dont see why you should be using tanks in pvp anyway as its meant to be more of a more objective oriented role like flag carrying etc, shouldnt be a class where you should win skirms on as etc. Same for any other tank really, i know some people play prot pala in pvp might be worth you just checking on what talents their running etc.

I do quest with wm on as prot cause I cba paying too change azerite talents too ret every time. In pve im last man standing but in pvp I should drop like a potato sack .
one short stun and im dead in pvp vs 2-3 , where’s the logic in that?

Thats what very geared dps should feel like, keep in mind your classes utility isnt really meant to kill players to begin with, arguably even solo players with enough brain cells should put a tank down providing its a tank with no reliable self-healing.

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