How much time did they have to build these models?!

I can’t believe they have been put out in this shoddy state.

I have waited for KT ever since they were announced, renewed my sub just to do the ridiculously long rep grinds and dungeons and they come out like this!?

The KT male combat melee animations are unfinished. Sometimes he won’t move, other times the animation is delayed. I am letdown and disappointed. Shame on Blizz, they have made it wait so long and they couldn’t even be bothered to finish them.


same amount of time that they do on all “content” atm. Which is next to no time!

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The theory was they kept getting pushed back, because they weren’t ready and needed polished.

I guess that was a bit of a white lie then.


Saw this on twitter


I think that sums it up

That makes me wanna get my behind in gear and actually unlock one now.

I’ve not bothered cus it’s too much like hard work and I’m unimpressed with the life like humans bit now I wanna be a super stretchy hooman! :rofl:


It’s not a theory. This was the official statement. And it wasn’t the lie they just didn’t have enough time to polish them but they had to release them.

How much time would you consider enough to polish them? They were announced at blizzcon 2017.

Lets be generous and say they started making them at the start of bfa, which for a company as big as blizzard would be quite ridiculous to rush something out like that. Thats 7 month to get them ready.

Judging by that timescale, they would have been “polishing” till the next expansion.


They weren’t announced at Blizzcon 2017. Zandalari and Dark Iron Dwarves were. Kul Tirans as playable race were announced in one of the Q&A sessions. They didn’t plan them as playable originaly becasue they were afraid they couldn’t make all the animations in time, other allied races borrowed from existing races. For Kul Tirans there were noone to borrow from. They changed their mind quite close to the release during the beta.

And technicly they had quite a lot of time but Kul Tirans weren’t the only thing to work on. Other allied races had to be done, npcs, bosses. Maybe 1 more month would be enough to find those animation glitches and fix them.


I’m pretty sure some trainee was told to make them last friday because Blizzard forgot to make them.


Ah yeah, actually you’re right about that.

Tbh it looks like they had a fair bit of feedback from the ptr, acting on that more may have solved the problem.

So, my question is; when is this likely to be fixed? Is this typical for a patch day? Will I have to wait for the weekly reset before my character actually looks like he knows what he’s doing with his weapons? :wink:


I found these animations quite hillarious :joy: ;


That Dwarf is like wtf

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He said he missed the best part though… Person was using some item which made the character huge + being mounted on a “saucer mount”, whatever that means.

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I don’t even…

Surely that can’t be a thing for everyone?

I actually thought it was a joke at first… but it was my friend who recorded it. I think this must be one of the strangest bugs I’ve even seen in WoW, lol.

WoW 2019 = Rushed without being finished content

Sadly the feedback is that this hasn’t been reported much so I am guessing it is going to be one of the last fixes which is a shame as it’s really taking the enjoyment away for me