How much will ilvl effect DPS?

Hello all i have not played much in recent years and am having a great time in DF so far.

This is the most i have raided since cata, and never really done mythics so all good fun!

My question as title suggests is about dps to i lvl.

With runes and flask i am doing around 30-40k single target depending on boss, and can hit around 100k on some packs.

Im curious how much difference another 10ilvl should make? Because i see videos of Monks doing 80-90k single target and i seem so far away.

So is it ilvl or Skill, or both? :slight_smile:
Thanks all

A good way to check is to open warcraftlogs and sort by item level brackets for your class and see the highest for each boss.

Here’s a screenshot for 1 of the bosses that you’ve killed on heroic.

Thanks for the post. So its safe to assume +10ilvl will not double my dps so its partly a skill/rotation issue.

But i still have no idea how much difference 10ilvl will make, will 390-400 take me from 40-50k? 40-60k etc

It’s hard to say based on the itemlvl alone.

You could also sim your gear and see what the results are there. Have you tried that?

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It partially depends on your talent setup and what trinkets you use (as those usually have big bonuses added to them.

I for example spike up to around 90k on single target on pull, depending on procs, while on a moderate sized pull (2 caster packs at the start of Ruby life pulls) with burst potion and CDs I can spike up to 200k-300k DPS for that pack. That is with the cleave build recommended by wowhead.

If you are asking an overall itemlevel increase I would say a 10 ilvl increase can net you a rough 5k single target DPS increase, but it also depends on what loot you upgrade.

The elemental Lariat necklace on its own can give a solid 2k+ DPS increase on its own on single target, possibly even if it is not max level.

Item level is king, and an increase average item level of 10 is huge

Don’t compare with Eranog, you will get nowhere near those numbers anymore because he dies so fast
So you can’t pad on the adds anymore to compete with the highest parses.

Our Single Target is absolute trash, we are the worst class in the Raid.
Our only good bosses are Broodkeeper Diurna and Raszageth.

Sadly the changes for 10.0.7 mean our Single Target will only get even worse.

Windwalker is super fun, but we are not competitive in the Raid.

We are a M+ only class this season
So don’t take it personally when you are bottom on most boss fights.

We are 30k behind Mages due to lazy balancing.

Like Balance Druid, there doesn’t seem to be much of a plan to fix it…

It’s both ilvl and skill but depends on boss mechanics too.

The most accurate way to find out about the dps you should be doing for your current ilvl is to sim your char on websites like raidbots.

It’s both, but skill (and luck, as in having to do less mechanics that disrupt your rotation) matter more.

Indeed not :smile: but to my knowledge, player power ramps exponentially as you hit the endgame. There isn’t much difference between 190 and 210 ilvl for instance (which was the gap between SL S1’s entry and heroic ilvls), but then you begin to notice how much power you gain between even 320 to 340, let alone any later brackets.

This is how you’re compensated for the slowing rate of gear acquisition past 370.

Raidbots has the “gear compare” feature, where you can sim in a hypothetical gearset.

You can easily check what you are asking by “creating” a gear set with the same items at 10ilvl difference.

With that you will have a baseline for how much higher your dps will be.

A thing to keep in mind: always use it as a percentage. If the sim with +10ilvl shows you gaining 13k dps, it does not mean that you will gain 13k dps. You have to see the % change between the first and second sim, and then extrapolate from that how much of an increase you can expect.

But IMHO, the biggest difference is gonna be player skill for dps.

I know what you’re asking. The increase of damage is not linear with your ilvl. Going from 390 to 410 ilvl is an extreme damage increase

A lot. The best dps players are wearing the 424 ilvl version of Grieftorch and Wshipering Icon at 421 which most players won’t ever get.

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