Ok Mr Blizzard here it is, the last payment I will ever give you. Now put tons of effort into make me unending great content with awesome servers to make the game play really smoothly.
Do I still need to buy expacs?
Strange question. On brand, I suppose.
Double the price, half the content and twice the frequency.
I won’t. I create new account like every year, so it makes no sense to me. Unless they would remove all that nonsense which shares things between characters and WoW accounts bound to a single battle.net account, but they won’t.
0 euro …I am not paying any lifetime sub .
Same. I dont pay in advance for carousel to go around for hour either if I sit on it for 5min.
In another thread we calculated that any of us who has been online since the beginning, and bought just the base versions of each expansion and never used any service or the shop, had spent over 3000€ cumulative. Even for just 5 years without breaks you are looking at a figure around 800€
Now the morbid part: Anyone who has spent that much is likely to go all the way up to their physical death. Which means that from a business point of view, it is not a good idea to offer people any such deal, because in the long run you will have lost money.
Why cure a patient when you can charge them all the way?
I might pay $2,500 if they did two things.
- Back date it so it includes all the money you’ve already spent.
- It includes Expansions (Mythic versions).
Personally i love the New World of the ESO on line type of subscription where you do pay for the game and the expansions but the sub is either non existent or optional that helps with some QOL things
They should give permanent free sub to everyone who has been playing for 15 years (180 months paid) as a loyalty reward
To be completely honest, you could buy Diablo 3 or Guild Wars 2 for a non-interstellar amounts and play however long you want. They are online games with patches. While there was CS years ago, currently there is none.
You can also sub to YouTube etc for marginal amounts (depends on region and FX but about 5€ a month) and stream 4K all day. I guess, never abused. That means a lot of operating costs (traffic).
The sub is actually there for FOMO.
Since you pay for it, you better play. (Quite sour when you don’t. Not having fun and paying for it.) I hate to admit but it works, I always suspend GW2 when something comes up, but I prioritize WoW quite high.
If someone considers the price of WoW, they are not playing.
If you played Classic and keep returning, NPV would be easily above 1000€ which is absolutely insane.
WoW is just some drug. You pay premium because you want it.
When LotR Online launched I bought the collectors edition that had lifetime membership in it, It was £150
I’m currently paying only to be able to post on the forums. I haven’t played TWW whatsoever.
Isn’t that more like a constant stream of cosmetics for sale… ?
Man you must really miss us, I like you too (sometimes)
the last games that try this goes free to play
Nothing. Already unsubbed both accs
Any gold you dont need, well you know the drill
No thanks.