One purchase only, no subscription needed ever again.
I doubt they’d ever make it an option, but let’s say they’d sell this for 999,99€ - would you purchase it?
If not, what would be a “reasonable” price for you to consider it?
One purchase only, no subscription needed ever again.
I doubt they’d ever make it an option, but let’s say they’d sell this for 999,99€ - would you purchase it?
If not, what would be a “reasonable” price for you to consider it?
It would have to be some astronomical amount to cover however long they think the game will last. There is no way I’d pay that.
I think some games used to do lifetime subs or other game versions. Eventually, they went out of business and some QQ ensued but ye. I would say the minimal/max being 5 years upfront maybe.
Considering the exorbitant amount I’ve already payed them over the years, anything beyond 0€ would be a giant slap in the face (hehe)
Let’s do some math …
The base version of game would be 49.99 … the monthly subscription as for now (for me) is 12.99
If you have on average 2yrs long expansion, that would make something around 370 (let’s make it nice and put on 369.99)
My answer - no I wouldn’t buy it. Even for this price just for ONE expansion.
For a lifelong access to the game, it would prolly cost like one small house. Since they need to accumulate finances for current but also for any future expansion
I would rather have monthly subscritption but with some added “profit” towards players. Right now, we pay montlhy sub just to enter the game. You have no benefits for paying the subscription as for now. No increase crafting/gathering speed, or unlimited bank space for crafting materials, no trader’s tokens for each month of active subscription.
1000 VES
No, I wouldn’t.
World of Warcraft is fundamentally a game where one of the core pillars is a constant stream of content, and a constant stream of content justifies a constant stream of income.
However, I would like for them to move to a model similar to Elder Scrolls Online, where each patch can be purchased.
The same can be said about Fortnite™, which does not have a subscription price.
And they make money via their store.
Like many free to play games.
I’m pretty sure Blizz would do this and two month later they be like “das it guys we pull the plug.” if it sold like hot cakes.
Ah, yes, that’s my bad. I forgot World of Warcraft didn’t have its own in-game store, with ridiculously priced cosmetics that insane amounts of people somehow buy like a giant dinosaur or something.
I guess we’re stuck with a sub then.
If you want to play naive then be my guest. World of Warcraft has a small store. Free to play games have large stores with lots of items coming in on regular rotation because it’s how they make their money that wow gets from subs.
If you’d like to see how that is, go and play one.
I’ve had life time subs before for like £100 (and this was in the 2010s?) and it’s never really forever. Games close or drop their sub etc.
I can’t afford 1k off the bat and it doesn’t stop you potentially being banned, so no I probably wouldn’t.
As for a full on store instead of a sub, like ESO or GW2, I spend far too much money on those…
Something tells me that’s not going to last:,sales%20of%20the%20golden%20Brutosaur.
This game didn’t have transmog on the shop before.
No, not a chance. There are very few things I would spend that large a sum of money for in one go (computer upgrades are about the only thing in the 1k range). I will stick to my monthly sub and occasional expansion (paid for with gold) tyvm.
not a chance,
i dont even buy the cheapest mounts in the shop. now imagine if i wanted to spend 999,99€
that guy after 20 years of playing lost all of the thing in his account and all of those .
i got banned 4 times in 1 WEEK AND all of them were because of wrong reports and got overturned.
There is no security for the account.
It’s not reasonable to spend all this money on it.
I bought a lifetime subscription to Lord of the Rings Online when Codemasters ran it. Turbine honoured it when they took over running it. It must have cost me about £150 over 15 years ago.
Using the monthly stipend I’ve bought all the new expansion packs. Shame I never play it.
LotRO was actually my first ever MMO, WoW being second.
I wouldn’t.
I like WoW, but my relation with it is on and off again and I have no guarantee that I will be interested in it or have time for it next week/month/year.
60$, just as other games.