How old are people?

He’s cute, he’s worth dating, but I don’t think he needs to know all our ages.
(Tomorrow it’ll be mother’s maiden name, and the day after last 4 digits of my card no)


You have the luxury to age :worried: Im always 3.14159265359 :cry:

I have to star in kindergarten forever.


To think it would be this hard for people to let go of their age, how come its so hard to communicate, and have human to human relations. Its not very hard, you say your age, no bomb or assassin is going to come to you.

Hard to be social I see.

I am in my thirties.


Couple of minutes of digging and I found your name, what you look like, where you live and now I know your age. Just because you’re happy to have perfect strangers know all that crap doesn’t mean we all do.

Yes it’s just the age, but it’s not about being social, it’s about maintaining boundaries. Some of us come here to escape real life not give personal information to spammy webmasters.


I am too old for this poop.


Not anymore. After 51 rejections, I can take a hint! Did you really have to use tear gas though?


I have no need to hide my age. I’m 40. Make of that what you will…


Kind of rude by not revealing your own age first.

I doubt that’s the real issue. But aight, if you say so.

That’s on a want to know basis. Since you need to know, I cannot tell :point_up: :neutral_face:

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Mentality is not linked to age at all. If you want to judge responses influenced on age then you are already on a slippery slope.

Maybe people don’t want to share information because they don’t want to have any direct connection with you.


It is though, in certain aspects.
While age can’t be linked to how mature you are, there are various aspects such as what you’ve been taught through life,etc that lingers with age.

You should know that.

Cant teach an old dog new tricks, or at least its very hard.

Thats just your view with your 27 years of experience.


No, its a broadly known view and acedemically proven fact. Not sure which rock you’ve been sleeping under but yeah. That’s how it works with the majority of people darkvil. I don’t have to prove it, you can easily find it for yourself if you cared enough, and didn’t just want to play smartypants without knowing.

Age do define a lot of things, and can have huge influence on your oppinions, the life experiene you have, and your logic. Plus a lot more. And then of course there are things age dont care about, such as how mature you are, and others.

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Plasticity of neural pathways are not linked to age but more about how your brain is used.

There are many older academics that would easily learn and accept new concepts much faster than yourself because they are continously challanging what they believe.

So you can teach old dogs new tricks, it just a matter of incentive.


You need trust level 3.

You just have to be sideways dont you. Yes, because every god damn person is an academic, and challenging themselves. You can’t say nothing is linked to age, or this isn’t linked to age because it is.

Such as music, old people like older music, a majority do, I do give you the right to say not everyone, but the majority.

The same goes for most things, however one thing you can be right about is maturity, age dont give a damn about that.

In this case, and matter - it is very much linked to age, there have been studies done around this, there have been tons of other things done to find out how the brain works, how we work as we age, how it affects us, and more. It can be found online or in your library.

Common knowledge open to all.

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hey ur the same as me!

Level 22 in 4 weeks.
I plan on drowning my sorrows in arcwine.

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