How old are people?

Ahhh! I was never massively into Rush, they never crossed my radar, equally I would have been 7 or 8 at the time, who are not generally a demographic with massive spending power, I pretty much skipped from listening to 60’s and 70’s stuff from my Dad’s music collection to later 80’s stuff. Rush any good then?

In fairness I did realise my rookie error, I am currently 46, technically next year I will however be 48 due to my 47th being imminent this year…

I am, I love it. I mean objectively I’m not. I’m an Epileptic with Brittle Bone disease and genetic organ failure gonna kill me off in the next couple of years, but those things I am good at? I am -Amazing- at them! I am stunning!

Plus I still have all my own hair, which I consider as a ‘win’ condition compared to many of my male friends! :smiley: (I am of course being self deprecatingly sarcastic here).

Best Generation, with the Worst Rep…

You realise this is only encouraging me to write it more, yeah? I was told by a friend (and this sounds Callous, but she’s an old friend, also an absolute demon with a bow who brought home Two Gold medals and a Silver from the ‘Invictus Games’ in Canada a few years back) that I should stop being ambitious and going with the original title I had planned of “Around the World in 80 Breaks” because I’ve broken 38 bones, and I’m not sure I’d have the time to fit 42 more in there, and instead go with “The King of Rock and LARP” in a homage to the Prefab Sprout song released in 88, in particular the music video, due to the fact I dress flamboyantly, am known wherever I go at LARP and have -All- the stories, and having a frog butler and three dancing hotdogs would be the sort of thing that if they heard me relate it people would go “Yeah…only you…it could only happen to you”

I just like to think of it as cramming my life full of moments, and exulting in the madness that ensues! :slight_smile:


Holy sh!tballs…!

S’all good. Well, it’s not, but Y’know, I’ve come to terms with it, and joke about it. I’m sad I will never see teeny tiny niece turn 18, and it’s hard forming relationships "I promise I will respect you and give you full adoration that you deserve…with the caveat that I can only promise that for three years! :rofl: "

Just how I live my life. I don’t give a hot damn about being embarrassed about talking about how ill I am, and I joke about it, and I don’t even need sympathy for it. Look at it this way, I have Titanum joints and lower leg bones in my left leg, blood that is poisonous to humans, low-light vision far superior to most humans (Though a torch shined at my eyes will blind me for a minute or so) and a shortened lifespan.

I’m a bloody Replicant from ‘Blade Runner’ How Cool is that!

I’m gonna get me a Dove so I can do a dramatic ending speech.

“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe…two grown naked men painted as badgers helicoptering towards me, an Electricity Pylon crashing down over the shoulder of Earlsdon, Armed response Police accidentally spilling Chili Sauce down the barrel of their MP-5, All these moments, will be lost like tears in the rain. Time to Die”



Your take on life is admirable when one considers your situation. I wish you all the best. I am not that eloquent, but I truly mean it. Fill your life with joy. hugs


72 next week

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No mention of the wasp?

Be hard to mention precisely my interface with waspkind without getting a forum ban :smiley:

Yeah I guess that’s the unfortunate truth. Oh well. Have a fig and put it out of your mind :slight_smile:

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i am old enough to can bee ur mother :rofl:

I have not eaten a Fig roll since that horrible truth was revealed to me…I am not sure I can…

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Question, is fig on the top ten of meats?

Ok now I’m gonna cry.

…and what is the truth about fig rolls?

I’m this old!

Holds arms as wide as possible.

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Oh Fer Gawds sake Mum! Why didn’t you tell me you played WoW as well! That’s now suddenly awkward! Bet you never played since Vanilla though Mum, bloody Noob.

Interestingly I did query my younger brother on the matter yesterday, (Wednesday is Niece day) he works from my house whilst I look after tiny niece.

The hierarchy goes…

  1. Wild Boar (I have taught my Padawan/Younger brother well)
  2. Pork
  3. Gammon
  4. Bacon
  5. Standard sausages
  6. Roast Beef
  7. Alligator
  8. Lamb
    9.Ham (I mean, is that even meat?)
  9. Chicken.

When queried on this, he did say “The Pig is a very versatile animal.” Making me wonder if I was actually having that conversation with my younger brother, or having a conversation with ‘Brick Top’ from the film ‘Snatch’

The crunchy bits. Afenton can tell you, it sickens me to my core that I actually used to like those…

Lol! Wasps use figs to lay their eggs, only sometimes they climb into the figs and get stuck and the fig eats the wasp and then we eat the fig so every time you eat fig rolls you are also eating wasps.

Brigante will never forgive me for despoiling his favourite afternoon treat :joy:

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40 something. I stopped counting after 40.


I…am shocked, sad and horrified all at once. I too love fig rolls! Well well well…no more figs for me.


All is not lost!

Luckily for us, the female fig produces an enzyme that digests this wasp completely. The crunchy bits are seeds, not wasp parts.

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I’ll buy the book!

Dont worry powered insects is the next big sustainable protein in food, its already taking off in a lot of countries.