How old is Wrathion?

It’s very importatn question for me, yeah.
If he was born shortly before the events of Pandaria and about 5-6 years have passed since then, so he’s about 6 y.o? Or he has spend a lot of time on Timeless Island? How long then?
OMG I won’t fall asleep until I find out

He was born in Cataclysm. He should be around 6 years old now. But since he is now a drake and not a whelp for some reason, either he magically sped up his growth or it’s simply how dragons work.

Too young to drink alcohol, that’s for sure.


I believe the quote at the time, a few years back was “Two years old, ah, but in Dragon Years”

Everyone who understands how time works gnashes their teeth

Given that he is about 6 or 7 now, it seems that Dragons achieve physical maturity, or at least teen status a lot earlier than humans, which is fine. They are after all an entirely different species…

But “Dragon Years”? For real? They don’t have their own calendar, they still live on the same planet with its same cycle of day and night and seasons and so on!

Its like when people go “How old is that in Elf Years?”

“Exactly the same as in human years, Elves just live longer…”

“Ah, but elves are surely children until they are seventy?”
“Er, No. They aren’t”

Anyway, Rant aside, Wrathion is less than ten years old, we literally rescue the egg that he hatches from during Cataclysm…

Might just be that Dragons mature faster than humans do.

Well it could very well be that Elf Brains mature a lot slower than Humans for example. It is never adressed in any Fantasy but it is entirely possible. I mean there are Fantasy setting were elfs are considered children unti lthey are 50 or 100 or whatever so might as well be the case.
Another thing could very well be the inclusion of younger elfs into society. I mean if you are treated like a kid until you are 70 for example can´t vote, work, join the military etc. you might also not develop your personality and character in this society you live in.

True, but we know this is not the case for Warcraft Elves. I mean unless Quel’thalas used Child Soldiers as national policy -before- the Scourge existed, we know that a 20 year old elf is old enough mentally and physically to have signed up for the armed forces… We do know that Teenagers however are not. This is why Vereesa was too young in her teens to have finished basic training during the Second War, but that 20 year old Sylvanas was totally old enough to be a soldier in an elite unit.

In both cases, -actual- years, not some weird elven equivalent…

So kinda looks like the same as for humans…

Yep, Elves are weird…

Not to disagree with you because i see it your way but in the USA you can enlist into the army with 17 i think. In Germany for comparison you are still considered a Teen with 17 and are considered adult with 18 and just to go a little bit further i know a lot of people who actually really felt like an adult in their early or mid twenties. What i want to say is that developing your identity is a process that can take time, sometimes a lot of it.
But yeah elves are weird

It feels like dragons work similarly as dogs. They reach maturity fast, and then stay that way for the most part of their lives.

This is basically the implication, yes.

Yes, I always found it bizarre that in some US States you are deemed old enough to volunteer to fight and die to defend rights in your country that you are too young to actually enjoy. Like you can be old enough to be sent to War Zones, to fight, yet deemed not adult enough to have a beer, drive a car, or get married without your parent’s permission…

Surreal. To my mind if you can fight for your country, you should be able to fight for the rights you actually -have-, not fight for rights you don’t actually have yet. “Old Enough to fight for your country, but not Old enough to buy a beer at your local pub” just sounds insane.

I mean sure, in the UK you can be in the Armed Forces at 17, but you will not be sent to fight until 18 and therefore adult.

Seems Elves are -kind of- similar, they mature mentally, physically and societally at the same pace as humans, then just stay ‘youthful’ rather than ‘Young’ until a rapid decline in their end years, which, actually does kind of make a bit of sense…

You sound like Anduin asking if Wrathion is legal

Dog years exist, cat years exist, North Korean years exist, lots of alternative years exist.

All the girls swooning over Wrathion May feel a bit awkward in here.

Ok one more thing about Dragon age and matureing, this is if course not canon to WoW, but many many things have been imported from Hearthstone to WoW, even the whole Explorer’s League gang and one of them being Rheno, who is a male human in his late 30s or early 40s it seems and not the dharpest tool in the shed, it seems that because he was still an your in dragon age and not yet matured. So Wrathion matureing so fast is kinda odd. Maybe the dire circumstances of his flight and the goal he had made him think if some heavy stuff… y,know

You can drive a car when you turn 16 years old and pass your drivers test.
And while you can join the military at 17, I think you do need parental/ guardian consent if you apply, since you will get combat training etc, the actuall age you usualy do get sent off, if you do, is by then a year later, so 18.
Also allot of young people use this way to get their ‘college degrees’, because while you can indeed get sent out on mission, you will get some very nice benefits…It’s a double edged sword.
College and Uni can be very expensive in the U.S and this is a way to get a nice degree, if you can’t afford the normal tuition fees.

Their system is just different, I think calling it ‘insane’ is exaggerating, in all states that I know of you need to be 18 to be able to vote, this is the same as joining the army without parental/legal consent.
Which is the same as in Britain, isn’t it?

Sure, You can’t drink or gamble untill you’re 21 years old, but really…? Is that ‘insane’? I think it’s actually beter medically speaking, since the human brain is ‘fully developed’ at 21, here in Europe you have kids drinking and smoking weed at ages 13/14…don’t tell me that doesn’t have repercussions in the long term.

Anyway, Dragons etc.

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I can’t believe Wrathion is doing weed!

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We’ll see.

This trend started way before, where young people started smoking, drinking and doing whatever at a very young age.

And for some reason I doubt it was any different for generations before us.

I am 27 by now and I am amongst many other about the same age who also started very young, and we have yet to see any damaging side effects right now, despite it being 13-14 years of these substances.

To add to it, we are also all living in Denmark, and just imagine the statistics of that :scream:

He is a black dragon, that rebellious dragonflight.


I know it’s hard to believe but to me he seemed totally stoned when Anduin slapped him.

Well, I don’t want to sound like a know-it-all and this is just anecdotal, but I work in a hospital, my subspeciality at my unit is Electrophysiology, We’ve had several cases of very young people come in to get diagnosed for arrythmias only to have to find out about substance abuse and being able to make a connection there, not a 100% certainty but a very strong suspicion, I know that’s not science! However it seemed very likely, there was a link, based on studies in the past.

If I recall correctly I also started drinking at 14/15, so I’m no saint, never did weed though, or even normal ciggs.

But more and more studies show brain damage in young people using weed and alcohol, ofcourse, this doesn’t apply to people who drink every once a weekend, or do pot every blue moon. These are likely people that do this stuff …allot, however, since kids will be kids and our addictive tendecies seem to be greater when we are younger, Well, I’m just of the opinion that it’s certainly not without it’s dangers.

Oh, forgott to add, the patients in question seemed slow to react and had very typical slurred speech, that’s why I was linking it to brain damage.

Oh I was meant to write that I or those I surround myself with do not smoke weed or anything like that at all times.

So there probably is something to weed.

But it tends to be illegal anyway so, eh. Alcohol though, I think it’s effects are largely exaggerated and the studies tend to be focused mostly on those who do actually seem to have a problem.

Although me and my batch for the first two weeks each new semester could probably be seen as such.