PVP on WQ etc. Not big event.
Great! Fav area is at top left of zone, flyers can only go so high because of ceiling, and are easy prey for net-o-matic 5000. But also, many cliffs around zone, that I always hope to see flyers hovering near. They will pay for my laziness, I can’t be bothered getting flying yet hehe, but prefer ground to air attack anyway.
Yep, a never ending supply of players that don’t know about net. Even some that appear to forget they just got netted!
It is OP from another account.
Sadly I can’t take your opinion seriously because I remember your forum activity from year ago. Since BFA lauch Blizzard is always right and everyting is a players fault. Also I remember your initial mistakes and total lack of commons sense in assessing the the situtation. Real life Dunning–Kruger effect example.
Since you are calling me out for mistakes, total lack of common sense, and cognitive bias - give me some examples. We are all allowed a mistake or two… but if I have a total lack of common sense, it should be easy to link a few examples.
You are ofc 100% entitled to accept or dismiss other people’s opinions.
My opinion is from a WM is fun point of view, so of course there is bias. We all do it. Maybe you are only looking for opinions from players that share your point of view on WM
If you see any lack of common sense in my posts, point them out. I love to discuss, and I usually respond with logical reasons for my opinion.
Or are you a troll?
how playable is it with the zoning and sht going on…
its a piece of c-rap and just shows that blizzard or who/e works this joing, is losing it
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