How powerful are the Classes?

Well, as a matter of fact they are more powerful on average.

If they would be more powerful then why Gul’dan have sacrificed his Warlocks to make DHs?

You seem to be correct on that, monks basically use the spirit of life, but there is one thing that puts shamans above monks, the reason is because monks use internal energy basically their own, while shamans draw power from elementals, and therefore they have much more raw energy to work with, making them way more powerful in general.

Couldn’t find that, don’t know where you got that.

The thing about dh is that they can absorb energy from other demons or fel energies in general, making them potentially really strong.

It’s headcannon really. Nothing’s confirmed but I’d say they’re on par.

Wow, Demon Hunters have absorbed so much that they look like Demons :roll_eyes:

Your point is?

There are many different tiers of power within demons.

Demons like archimonde or kil jaeden which are warlocks are way more powerful than your general demon, now would you look at that.

That even Illidan prefered Demon Hunters over Warlocks to fight against the Legion. It wasn’t just his own little creation, no, it was one of the strongest forces in the universe.

Jesus Christ dude.

You are making arguments out of assumptions.

Look, as a matter of fact, casters are usually more powerful than melee that’s a fact in wow.

Also, demon hunters are specifically designed at killing demons.

Then show me an official source or

Read lore about mages warlocks etc, and you will understand why they are generally more powerful.

Casters directly draw from their source of power, they channel it and create devastating spells way more powerful that what your usual melee can do.

That is why casters are so powerful in the lore.

Only because they can create bugger threats with a finished cast it doesn’t mean that they have more power. DKs and DHs literally consist of magic.

That is such a ridiculous statement.

Without some kind of overpowered hax, if you have more destructive capabilities you will win, unless you are extremely dumb, what can you do against someone who can level a mountain if all you can do is destroy a building, there is only so much you can do with superior intelligence and strategy, such a disparity in power cannot be closed.

And no, dk and dh use magic, they do not consist of magic, that is ridiculous.

You speak about some exceptions like the Guardian which got extra sources for their power. Do you remember the Lich King. Like this guy just rofl over Dalaran with Frostmorne?

After some re evaluations i have to say that monk indeed does have the edge when it comes to melee they are above warriors, rogues, hunters overall, since they can use chi .

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in physical fights I do think all melee classes are strong, whit probably Demonhunters and Deathknights being the strongest.

but shadow priests can if put enough of them, at one point, like looking down from a hill at their enemies, they can mind controll an army to fight eachother instead, realy power full, also they use fear anyone, plus they use skills that afflict physical pains to their opponent, to the extent they can kill you. so they are strong actualy realy strong.

I would also put hunters and shamans high, due to the fact they can spot you from a long distance both of them, knowing you are comming, meening they can abush you anyone at any place, and shooting an arrow do fly way longer than only 40 yards, so one who can aim and shoot can kill anyone before they even know where they are, that is also powerfull in their own way.

same goes for rogue, if they ambush you, you die.

Melees biggest weakness is that you need to be up close and personal, so most ranged if prepared can defend them selfs, realy well, to the extent a melee can not even get close enough to do anything.

Tier 1- Warlock, Mages, Shadow priest (Void magic)

Tier 2 - Deathknight, Demonhunters

Tier 3 - Shamans, Druids (Power is limited and have to operate within moral code)

Tier 4 - Paladins, Priest (who use light).

Tier 5 - Hunter, Monks

Tier 6 - Warrior, rogues

Rogues are OP. Stealth stab stab anyone. Slit the throat and any OP mage or Warlock does the deed.

Rogues only nemesis is Direction Posters and Saurfangs hands!

People still ranking Demon Hunters above shamans.


Because Demon kink