How primary stats works?

Hey folks.

I have a question.
How primary stats works?

I’m playing as Warlock, so I need Intellect.
I have Ashes of the Embersoul and Neltharion’s Call to Dominance.

Do my minions always benefit from my intellect? If I use the Embersoul and then call some Wild Imps or Felguard, they should benefit from it. But if I summon demons first, like from the Nether Portal, and then use Embersoul, do they still benefit from the bonus Intellect?

If I use Embersoul first, summon pets, and Embersoul expires, like the Pit Lord from the Netherportal, do they still have the Intellect bonus or do they lose it instantly?

Pets scale dynamically with your own intellect, they work like DoTs.

So it doesn’t matter when I summon my demons?

There might be the smallest amount of lag that means, for example, your first tyrant bolt isn’t buffed by a trinket you pressed after tyrant, but in general your demons inherit a percentage of your stats as and when you do.

If you’re not sure, you can always check in logs of good demonology warlocks when they’re using their trinkets relative to their more powerful demon summons.

In my opinion, one has to get picky with these sort of min-maxes only in super high level of content.

For “normal” levels of play, blizzard has done a good job at doing classes such that you will not loose significant amounts of performance by min-maxing trinkets and abilities to the last chaos bolt.

Just pop trinkets at the same time you use “uber CDs” (whichever those might be) and your Gucci.

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oh nOoooOoo but now i can’t show my skill of downloading a weakaura and two addons that tell me when to snapshot all my DoTs :stuck_out_tongue:

Snapshoting dots were removed in MoP if I remember correctly…

Or am I forgetting something here? :slight_smile:

yeah u forgot to turn on the sarcasm filter :stuck_out_tongue:
i remember when people cried that the game was dumbed down when they removed snapshotting as if having a WA and an addon telling you how long to hold your dots made you a “Skilled” player

Primary stats (at least to my knowledge) work like a multiplier for ALL your abilities on a scalar functionality.

Basically it comes down to this:

Base Class Power (based on character level) * Primary Stat (based on scaling of character level) = Your class power.

Then the game calculates onto that the secondary stats like Versatility and Mastery which also increase (depending on conditions) your damage/healing more.

I did… its obvious when I turn the filter on… :smiley: im distracted today apprently… :frowning:

There was a pretty substantial difference between knowing when to reapply and being consistently good at executing it, especially on multiple targets. There’s a reason feral druid keeping the snapshotting made it one of the hardest dps specs in the game in Legion S1.