How rare is the Deathcharger's Reins?

Dropped for me tonight and got a feat for it, was wondering how rare it is as a quick search got me 1/1000 classic wow and retail 1/100 is that about right?

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Pretty rare, sitting just below 1%, though the only difficult thing about farming it is putting up with the dungeon limit per hour. :stuck_out_tongue:

Got it a few weeks ago, started farming it 4 years ago. I would like to say that it is very rare but I am also not known for having much luck with drops in this game :dracthyr_no2:

This site is used by a lot of collectors

It puts that mount at around 15% ownership.

This is wowhead’s data on the drop

If you’ve started collecting this is also a nice site but gives no data on other users. Just works as a nice reference to things you have/are missing.

BIG GZ on the mount

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It took me 71 attempts plus a further 90/100 before they changed the boss from Baron Rivendare and deleted the previous stats.