How removing Lunge (8 yd melee range) hurts Survival more than any other spec

Survival is the squishy tip-toe weave in/out monkey throwing bomb spec of World of Warcraft.

Lunge was a HUGE part of the spec, as you could go to max melee range for some Mongoose Bites, then kite away again, lest you get eaten in 3 globals by whatever melee figured out he could swap to you.

Flanking Strike was 18 yard range, now 15. Huge loss.
Aspect of the Eagle 43 yards, now 40.
Chakram was 43 yards, now 40.
Kill Command was 53 yards, now 50.
Kill Shot was 43 yards, now 40.
Muzzle was 8 yard range, now 5.
Serpent Sting was 43 yard range, now 40.

Deadly kick to the face by Blizzard. Funny how they steadily remove everything that’s unique with every spec.

I already sent in 2 bug reports, and will keep doing it every day until TWW releases.


It always made sense only for Survival to have 3y longer melee range - it uses a spear, right? The longest weapon there is. How does this compare to rogue that uses dagger, the shortest weapon? Yet, rogue used the have the same extended range as survival.

SV having 8y range makes sense on a lot of levels:

  • fantasy
  • gameplay
  • balance

This should be one of the differentiating factors for the spec


Lunge is a must have for survival, it solo kill the specc not having it

Or let us use arcane shot, killshot and range kick with a spear but just gave lunge back and make it 4+ too 7 yard

I mean Ret pala have better range damage then us

Sv should be a poor mid range specc
You trow with bombs so you do not want too be in the face of your opponent and not too far away too be accurate

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