This is a Sylvanas centric post, because the story wierdly revolves around Sylvanas,w ithout her really doing anything or at least there is no real context. I know that in the recent threads i’ve been pretty outspoken about the things i find lacking, in the story so far. So here is a shot, at something constructive to spark a discussion. There are going to be some assumptions and i will purposefully neglect some of the interview only(to my knowledge) material. Not allowed to change any in-game events directly.
To set the scene Sylvanas sits restrained, within a cell, in Revendreth motionless unblinking, but dignified and proud, as Bolvar, Jaina and Thrall go to interrogate her. Jaina would bring it right away to Anduin to which Sylvanas could tell her little so she would storm off. After that Sylvanas would say that, in Legion she was running out of Val’kyr, who were the key to both her survival and the survival of the Forsaken, as a people, for she knew they would all go into the Maw, because the so called plan of the First Ones deemed it so. That they should suffer for eternity through no fault of their own just following the predetermined illusion of choice. Bolvar would challenge that by saying that she condemned countless Kaldorei to the Maw, which she brushes aside by saying that given the Arbiter being busted all souls went there regardless. Thrall would question why she didn’t bring it up to the other leaders and she says that nobody would really listen or understand the urgency. Not when it was just her Forsaken, at stake. She would continue that, while even to her Zovaal’s methods were distasteful he is basically the only one powerful enough to pull the dismantling of the faulty system off. Both would question if she really thought that whatever Zovaal would bring forth would be better to which she answers maybe can’t get much worse than it already was, for people like her, but atop Oribos, when he finally got the final sigil it occurred to her that he is the bug in the system. If anything with him on top it’s failings would become the feature. Painting Zovaal, as this sort of insecure failed rockstar type, who feels entitled to everything.
(after that they can set up the way to defeat zovaal whatever it is and her possible role in it)