Hi guys, I’m a level 52 Alliance player (new of course) with the latest expansion installed. I have absolutely no idea how to get to Darnassus and have spent over an hour googling and looking on youtube and no one seems to know how to do it. I obviously can’t sail from Darkshore as the area is destroyed (timewalking still doesn’t fix the pier where the ship should dock), I also can’t fly as I’ve never been there and don’t have the travel point, and when I try and fly there with my mount, as soon as I get there it immediately teleports me back to Darkshore. Please could someone let me know exactly how to get there without getting a mage to open a portal? Many thanks, Alex
There is an NPC that changes it back to the old(ish) Darkshore. I think they are a speech bubble on the map.
But the best way is to ask a mage to make a portal to teleport you there.
There should also be a portal on the end of a pier in stormwind.
Yeah I did the timewalking thing, the pier was still destroyed in Darkshore even after I did that.
I also took the portal on the pier at Stormwind, it went through as loading screen and then immediately into another loading screen and put me in Darkshore…
How can this game be so badly designed, I want to get to one of the games major cities, it should not be this hard!
Quite honestly, I don’t know why you want to go there, everything there is available elsewhere.
If you have any quests to do in the new darkshore then abandon them.
Did you go to the NPC as I suggested?
I’ve got a quest to go there as part of the Shieldwall campaign in Pandaria.
Yes I have been to the NPC already, it didn’t fix the pier.
However… I went back to the portal NPC in Stormwind and (for whatever reason) I only got 1 loading screen this time and it did take me to Darnassus.
Quality game.
Does anyone know how I can access the newbie game chat channel? The game decided I wasn’t allowed access any more at level 50 which is utterly ridiculous, surely its up to me to say when I feel I’m no longer a noob and don’t need help!?
Well, then, you didn’t do the timewalking thing, or not the right thing. Or maybe looking at the wrong pier?
(P.S. Afterthought: if you eventually got into the Darnassus phase, then you must have talked to the right NPC. You probably just found the ruined Auberdine pier to the West instead of the Lor’danel pier with the flight master to the North.)
Go to Darkshore. If the portal from Stormwind delivers you to an empty beach:
Now fly a couple hundred yards south and a little east, to the speech bubble on your map, which is a chartacter Zidormi standing on a road.
Click on Zidormi, and ask to be shown what Darkshore was like before the battle.
The landscape and the sky change.
Now fly along the road north.
There will now be a pier there with a Flight Master that will bring you to Darnassus.
I do agree that this whole thing is atrociously designed, but it does work reliably.
However, you say the portal from Stormwind delivers you to Darnasus, which means the pier must be there and you can get the flight master taxi across.
There is no way to get back into Newcomer Chat once you have hit 50 and spent whatever number of hours, and the game has removed you, until/unless you qualify as a Guide to help the newcomers.
There is a LOT to learn, and the game doesn’t help you much.
The main sites you need to find out things are
www.wowhead.com for quests, items, travel. guides
www.icy-veins.com for how to play your class
This is a HUGE video that explains a lot of things. It’s massively long, but broken up into 30-second chapters that you can click on from the description underneath. It was made just before Shadowlands, so doesn’t cover Chromie Time and Shadowlands proper, but still may be useful.
Just for your information, there was a boat from Auberdine in Darkshore to Rut’theran village at the base of Teldrassil, but that was a long time ago. Ever since the Cataclysm expansion launched in 2010, that ferry is no more and the port city of Auberdine is ruined, so you’ve probably been watching a few old videos.
The way to get to Darnassus now, is to talk to the timewalking NPC, and then go the northern coast town of Lor’Danel. There you’ll find a flight master on top of some wooden scaffolding jutting out into the water from where you can get a ride to Rut’theran village at the base of Teldrassil. Once in Rut’theran, walk through the glowing purple tree to be teleported to the city of Darnassus.
The same flight master in Lor’Danel will also give you an option to fly directly to Darnassus, but the flight up the tree takes a long time (4 minutes or so iirc), so I advise you to just get a ride to Rut’theran and walk through the portal tree there.
Perfect, thanks everyone that’s really been a huge help
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