How to assisgn 3 global cooldown into 1 button using macro

so guys lets say im using thiss

/castsequence Frostwyrm’s Fury, Remorseless Winter, Reaper’s Mark

i press the key andd boom frostwym goes and i press the key again remorselesss winter starts and when i press it again it uses reapers mark.

everything is fine to this point… but when remorseless winter cd come up again when i press the macro it wont activate remorseless winter i think its because this macro works in an order and since other skills on cooldown it waits for them to get off cooldown…

so how can i fix this and make an addon where when i press it will aumaticly pick the skill when cooldown ends no matter the order

Blizz wants you to make those types of decisions yourself.

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