How To Buff Survival In Shadowlands

The answer is really simple, since the Guerilla Tactics talent is mandatory just buff the damage of the initial target hit by Wildfire Bomb by X%.(duh, he’s getting a bomb thrown in his face…)

For the next expansion they should double down on the “grenadier” theme and make Wildfire Bomb the core ability of the spec. Which can easily be achieved by baselining Guerilla Tactics and Wildfire Infusion talents.

only legendaries buffed, with fire mage getting more legendary buff than sv


im literally playing ww a spec i dont even enjoy, just waiting for surv to get fixed

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I’m playing it too and it isn’t that bad when if comes to enjoyment, however i do find MW fun but too non-optimal.

TBH wow is the only game that has this bad class balance of games i know.
There are impressive google doc research showing survival hunter to perform 19%-15% worse than fire mage wod-bfa all raids

To be honest , the state of the survival hunter makes me think they’re preparing a big rework . It’s the worst spec BY FAR and a melee spec to top it off (melee slot are precious these days).
I clearly hope they’re preparing something for SV hunter because i like playing a melee hunter , but we’re too dependant of our pet (idk a buff like a little enrage when he gets killed could be cool) , all of our damage comes from 2 abilities mostly , wildfire and raptor strike (and the only perk that boost our dmg in torghast increase kill command) .
kill command is just a generator barely hitting for anything and i would prefer the good ol’ flanking strike we had back in legion when we would deal damage at the same time as our pet (making the ability usable when the pet is ded)

The talent choice are not choice , we can’t pick flanking strike because it is BAD , we can’t pick butchery nor hydra sting because guerilla tactic is way too good.
Wildfire infusion is way more potent and fun than the other two “choice” on the same line . and without the two charges on kill command we feel like struggling to breathe from the lack of focus regeneration.

To end this big post I will only say one more thing , when i want to play survival hunter , i want to play melee spec around traps that deals damage and a pet to support me , i don’t want to play a weaker version of a melee BM spec.


what would be great:
aspect of the eagle, if they gave it some kind of a stat boost that effects nearby party members too, like a 3% vers increase or something, it’s weird because it’s a cooldown but you actually lose damage almost as you lose the auto attacks if you move to range.
This way it fixes our burst and also makes us raid viable.

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