How to continue after saving "all that is"

Disclaimer: I’m sorry to post fan-fiction here. But I do not own a character on the US servers (they do have fanfiction on their forums, but require a min lv 10 char to post).


We have saved the world from Ragnaros & the Black Dragon flight offspring. We saved it from C’thun. We saved it’s past from Archimonde (by way of time travel). We saved it from Illidan and his evil plans. We saved the world from the Lich King & from the Undead. We saved it from the mad blue dragon Malygos. We saved it from Deathwing.

We saved it from; Garrosh Hellscream, the Sha’s, Alternate timeline Gul’dan, Sargeras, Argus the unmaker, Jovaal the Jailer, , Yogg-Saron, N’zoth, Voidlords, Anub’araks, Fyrakk the Fury Incarnate and everything in between.

Just walking into the city… You’ll have guards saluting you “Champion” & “Hero” all around.
Recently it was made possible to group cross-faction, this should be added in lore.
For a new Future Expansion it would be awesome (my opinion, obviously):

If the Alliance and Horde sign a peace treaty. With the requirement they sign over [you] - the Player - A wanted war criminal. For all the murder & mayhem you caused. And taking credit that does not belong to you.
They have key-witnesses Maxmilian of Northshire and Johnny Awesome.
You never saved they world, they did.
And then you get banned.
While you are banned, things happen and war between the horde and alliance rekindles.
They draft everyone!
And now you are a fresh recruit. You are not trusted to fight with honor at the front lines. You’ll be collecting supplies for your faction. Slowly regaining the trust of your faction and clearing your name.

Rebuild some of the old azeroth zones. But now build forts and castles in them, that can be captured by each faction. Make it a 3 daily event. And the defending faction gets guards along the roads while the offensive faction gets guerilla squads along the area’s borders.
Just don’t make it a battleground, Winter’s grasp and Tol barad was enough. Make it open world.
To prevent the defending team from having the forts all the time. Give the attacking NPCs a +15% (or 35%) buff every time they loose, stacking. That way, even on servers that are skewed in ratio the other faction will some times win.

We can have war supply transports that need to be guarded (like the Caravan in the Ohn’ahran plains). And a lot more openworld pvp. Obviously some of our old friends can have new dungeons and raids.
Scarlet Crusade, Murlocs, Trolls, Gnolls, Kobolds, Ogres.
Also make a few more outlaw / neutral factions like: Defias, Taunka, Tuskarr, Yaungol, Arrakoa.

Honestly, I just don’t want to be the savior. Just let me be an adventurer.