How to counter warriors?

Hello mighty warriors,

After the recent buff to warriors i really struggle against them in solo shuffle, they always go 5-1 or 6-0. I play surv hunter which is pretty good counter to them, but if they dont go me, (i can kite them good) they just destroy my healer or the other melee dps i get. Can u give me some advice what gives warrior hard time, what burst windows they have, can i dispel some important enrage/magic buff, when to try to stun, what to do with spear if my teammate gets it? I mainly intrested to counter arms warrior, and i realise my traps are pretty good (steel and tar) but sometimes my other dps doesnt want to kite. Thanks in advance

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Asking Warriors how to deal with warriors :thinking:

How about…
Get smashed!
ZUG ZUG :green_heart:

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Surv is really good vs. warriors. Gotta kite them with both of your traps. When you see avatar/colossus smash they will burst. Either with spear or roar. When using spear they might throw spear first to stop you then pop avatar+cs (if playing blademaster) if not then its probably, avatar->cs->spear.

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What are you doinggggggg!
Don’t help the huntards out! D:

Ok im gonna pull a big brain move to bamboozle all the smoothbrain warriors, and make post that its imposible to counter warriors, and watch me shower in all the advices i get from triggered warriors:D and fyi surv hunters can zug zug too, i just have to figure out how, i can already use 2 handed sword and axe :green_heart:

That is a good idea.
Zugger zugger shoo shoo the advice :train: has arrived!

You see warrior,

you do anything you can to keep him off you.

The end.


Warrior isn’t that strong right now compared to other strong melees like assa rogue, havoc DH, ret paladin, feral druid and so on, at least in solo shuffle. Dunno what all the fuss is about. Maybe on lower ratings? At 2.1+ mmr or so enemy warriors become extremely manageable by players

I uploaded my gameplay on another post and got the advice to focus on cc less and dps more, and suprise suprise i climb, im on 1500 now, i played 14 games and i noticed enemy warriors win just by pummeling something weak, its almost pointles to use cc on healer, either train healer or cleav. IMO warriors got buff so its natural that on lower bracket where people doesnt cc anyway they dominate, i just try to climb out fast enough to not get annoyed by them. At least good to hear on higher mmr warrior isnt a problem.

There is one macro any player can use to counter warriors . Alt+f4 then relog. This will trick our dump brains to use ALL of our cds while u enjoy the offline safety.

So you can kite them good, your class is good to counter them and all they do is zug zug with their zug zug brain then where is the issue? Just use your high hunter IQ and outplay them.

its been 5 days, i got many advice on other post and im doing fine now, but man, warrior players are dumb =(

Ask dumb questions get dumb answers

Man, i would really apriciate if you read my comments slowly and multiple times so i dont have to quote myself. I asked the same on other categories but only on warrior got dumb answers. This is my opinion, u dont have to agree with me.

What have I done to you that you wanna punish me by reading your post again

Like I get it you don’t like warriors but cmon man…

What have u done?.. look at this this is the third time i quote myself to answer your question, if u would just read carefully u dont have to question me. Third grade reading skills.

Aite I’ll let you have last word on your own thread but at the same time I am asking you to not post at least on our sub forum again… maybe you can find US forums more approachable for your IQ

GL champion - you gonna need it

kite, kite, kite. nothing got me fuming more than not beeing able to stick to something like a frost mage.

Gank them behind your pillar 3v1. Just slow the healer with anything and they’ll come to you alone.

Ive seen Trille being spammed with stuns, knockbaks and roots, at some point it becomes pure comical