How to deal with constant CC spam in solo


So I’m fairly new to Disc priest in PvP. How do you cope with the amount of CC in arena? I’m constantly getting CCed after fade “fades”, one after the other, very long a$$ CC chain of fear, sleepwalk, and constant cyclone spam.

I can’t LoS much because the people in my team charge across the map and I have no choice but to get in the open.

Honestly the amount of CC I get is beyond mad.

Any pointers?

vs melee you have to play at max range to force them to come at you since 20-30 yards is a death sentence vs monk, dh, dk & ret CC or hug a pillar, there isn’t really a real way to deal with some CC’s and just hope your dps is smart enough to survive while you sit full stun, your other option is to queue with something like a ret or DH who can reverse magic / sanc some of it off you.

Don’t play disc priest. There is only one spec which is worse, and this is holy paladin.

I could say position well, but its soloq and you play disc so zero mobility means you are 100% delivered too your team mates how they position so eaven you find a good spot they run in too los, or drop and panic and run on top of you
Btw. If you wait that one of your teammates stop a clone, they wont until 2.4cr, above idknow maybe

Most cc ingame is range and insta, it feels like nothing to do there, somethimes you can feint a hotj or death a poly but thats just game awerness too learn

So just relax and get used too the mess and circus of soloq

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Yeah not one single person has stopped a druid casting clone during my games. I just get skull bash - cloned x 3 a lot, and there’s nothing I can do about it unless I get a lucky fade with skull bash. People run to the other side of the map and expect me to chase them in the open vs classes with a sheet ton of CC.

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Sometimes in SS before game I type in caps, kick cyclones or You gona die :slight_smile: , then sometimes they listen. Playing holy priest.

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