How to deal with Grievous

As someone who only plays Disc and Shadow i can sympathize. (I have configured Holy in Vuhdoo and I have 390 Azerite for Holy, but I haven’t played it in BfA … I think I won’t perform a lot better with holy this week)
I will probably stick to DPS or level my Druid (95), when the first keys this week don’t work the way I would like (and I don’t expect them to be a cake walk, but not 30-40 minutes of stress).

I think i,ll accept a 7 this week too many idiots in pug groups running off with 4 stacks of debuff and so many people get chunked by fortified mobs xD

How to deal with grievous as rsham?

Prepare your totems, stare your enemies in the eyes, like you mean it… Then turn around 180 degrees and advance heroicly in opposite direction.


try interupting shadow bolt, and other abilities that do AOE damage.
aside from that, yeah disc into grevious is hard

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If you are playing disc in m+ you are probably keeping your group back. Try holy or get a feral/boomy/ret that can help u heal. Disc is fine in raids just not m+.

Not your fault, simple as. Sometimes a group will make a mistake that can’t be carried. Disc is especially bad at playing around peoples mistakes and this is just another example.

But if you wanted advice, well …

You could aoe heal the group with the aim not being to top them off, but just to keep them alive until the fight ends, then it’s up to them to help you in topping everyone’s health. Maybe pop a rapture and barrier. Also I would spec Shadow Covenant for these weeks.

If you didn’t use the stealth skip you could just let the dps die and run back, that way you only have to heal yourself and the tank. This comes with the benefit of turning this near wipe into a teaching moment for missing the interrupt.

Disc is suboptimal during grievous and you chose a difficult dungeon (KR fort grievous? I’m 1.8k rio and I’m noping at the thought of that)

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I must say i did think of speccing Shadow Covenant in the help for AoE I might have to give it a try.

failing that I,ll just stay holy until this week is over lol


I have very little experience with Grevious(only recently started doing more mythic+), but my memory of it is that it is a mana eating troll.

After using holy for a while I decided to stay as Holy because its far better equipped for the bad moments than Disicpline is unfortunately.

Discipline needs a much better AOE heal than Radiance or Luminous Barrier.

I have found Disc to be a lot of fun to play just not very effective in sub-optimal groups at keys 10+ due to the “trickle” healing that it does via Atonement.

The throughput of spells such as Tranqulity, and Holy World Sanctuary, Divine Hymn (Although not great) are far more likely to save the group if the group misses an orb or stands in bad for too long or just generally messes up consistently.

Also when disc is lacking is that when there is no mobs and you have affixes such as Grievous and other nasty DoTs they seem to struggle to get people back up.

phone Obi-Wan

I actually had to double back on this one, I love this :smiley:

In terms of dealing with Grevious as disc priest it’s definitely doable (I main a disc priest), they do have some great ways of dealing with it, providing you don’t mind changing talents specifically for that week.

Both Icy Veins and some youtube videos have tried to help with the stigma that disc isn’t good with grevious so they are worth reading/watching if you’re interested in the “best” setups, but I do believe grevious tends to be tricky for any healer if the group isn’t specifically playing around grevious and concentrating on making sure the healer is comfortable that week (just like you would on other affixes making sure the tank is safe etc). I also feel the benefits disc can provide with extra burst do help shave valuable time off a run, even if people have to help with their own cooldowns to ensure you can clear grevious before moving on. To each their own of course, but I just thought I would weight in there :slight_smile:


I’m geniunely curious what your “great ways of dealing with it” are.

Disc is horrendous with grievous.


Very nice bunch of nonsense.

@OP Dont listen to this guy. The only proper healing you’ll be doing is handing out fish feasts. You’re better off rolling on a 350 rdruid.

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Yes you definitely need team of Jedi Knights for this one!

It gets tougher to play into this with Grievous because so much more of your globals are spent on Shadowmend to pick people up above 90% HP again. It’s not as much of an issue during fights, outside of certain bosses with heavy, unavoidable AoE, but having to pick people up after is taxing on the mana more so than for a healer like resto druid.

This in general has to do with how disc is so focused on atonement healing and has no good AoE heal throughput outside of Radiance in combination with Schism + Penance. Yes, picking the talents for a more defensive Penance can help a bit in that regard but comes at the cost of good in-combat burst healing and doesn’t change how mana intensive it gets for the spec.

Imo disc priest needs 2 changes/additions in their kit:

  1. something like Prismatic Crystal of mage - you summon some object which can be hit only by priest and it takes X% more damage
    this way priest can always have target to heal through atonement
  2. talent which caps your atonements at 4-5 targets, but now healing through atonement is increased by X%

It would be enough.

  • Bursting and grievous are still very overtuned.
  • Shadow covenant can help stopping grievous stacks ASAP but in case of constant aoe or large aoe damage, that is not enough.
  • Disc is simply bad at dealing with these affixes: single target healing is weak and these affixes often require healing out of combat when there are no targets to hit (therefore no aoe heal possible). This is an inherent design issue of the spec, hasn’t been addressed for expansions. No, Contrition doesn’t help. It’s about one magnitude weaker than needed, completely junk talent.
  • Bursting should absolutely 100% never interrupt eating/drinking.
  • Grievous and bursting stopping OOC would also be great.
  • Bursting/grievous are extremely healing intensive and should never be combined with quaking.

Blizzard is very bad at tuning m+ affixes this time. I hope they’ll do better next expansion or even in 8.2.


Sadly, only relog as resto Dru.

F for disc in 5 mans

The main tool I use on grievous weeks is Shadow Covenant.

With a decent amount of mastery, you can push most party members out of grievous with PW: Radiance --> PW: Solace --> offensive/defensive Penance --> one or two Shadow Mends --> Shadow Cov. The trick is delaying the Shadow Cov until you are certain it will push at least two members out of grievous.

The real killer can be tank damage though. Disc priests pair awfully with monks on grievous weeks because they’re just perpetually stuck in it. DKs by contrast can typically reset their grievous unaided with a well-timed Bonestorm or triple Death Strike.

The number one most important thing is the rest of your group working with you though. Many classes such as retribution paladins or feral/balance druids can do phenomenal spot-healing, and a well-timed healthstone can easily deflect nip a grievous in the bud.

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Many thanks for the constructive replies.

I am considering going back to Disc again and re-trying it but its scary.

As the blue post said that Disc can help shave a few seconds off by providing a bit of extra overall DPS to the run.

I feel that Disc will shine in a well organised group who aren’t afraid to use cooldown’s and will understand exactly how the healer works and be very good at self-sustainability but with the current state of pugs requiring lots of healing because lots of large mistakes I feel this is not possible, As when someone gets chunked below 50% because of an error they make then you have to spend mana inefficiently with Shadow Mend spam, and meanwhile the rest of the group is taking unavoidable damage from boss AOE ability, There is no really efficient way to deal with large amounts of AOE damage as Disc.

Atm I use Prayer of Healing , Circle Of Healing + Prayer of Mending and Renews and the odd Holy Word Serenity which usually is enough to top an out of control Grivous stack. (TBH Holy Word: Serenity borders on the OP side of things, I once crit healed someone for nearly 200k with it, So its almost a lay on hands for priests lol)

2 of my other friends who played Holy priests have re-rolled into Resto Druid specifically for M+ which makes me sad that they are considered to be the ONLY good heal for M+ .

Its about time blizzard made some changes and either brought them in line with other healers or re-balanced the affixes so that ALL healers can do them, At the moment the most successful PUG healer will be a Resto Druid.

I considered trying out Shadow Covenant but then I looked at the after effect of healing absorption which really took me off of the idea.

Disc is just not worth it in keys anymore tbh. I played it to ~1600 io in Season 1 but when you have to expend 3 or 4 times the effort of a Druid for half the results (Disc even does less damage!), it loses appeal fast.