How to deal with Grievous

A rdruid will do more dmg than a disc in most situations, so if speeding up the run with a perfectly capable group is the appeal, then rdruid is still a vastly superior choice.

As for dealing with aoe dmg as disc, you mainly wanna use rapture/barrier and radiance preemptively.

No game design unless created by absolutely inane retards should invalidate your character.
I mean let it sink in what you just said.
Oh you play priest? We are afraid thats just not a playable class in our current iteration of the game. Feel free to grab another max level character from our store, that will be 60 euro.

Good luck with your priest but warning some tanks will refuse to play with you.
I love to play with a good rsham which is a healer people consider bad but I just can’t accept to play with a Dp. It feels horrible.

Classes excel at some things are suck at others. Disc are still good healers, they’re just not great at dealing with Grievous or Bursting.

I play arms warrior as main, and they quite literally are invalidated.

I play guardian druid as a main, i can chime in on that.

I’d say how much people stand in stuff they aren’t suppose to plays a huge part of it too. I think that is a very important detail of it. Grevious is almost not noticeable in some instances if you go with a group who have enviromental awareness, while it can give you headaches if you go with people who just can’t pay attention.

Our Disc healer does one key on her a priest for the weekly chest then switches to Druid.


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Well Disc is pretty much the healer which only can perform as well as the group allows it to. If you get stuck S.mending due to a bad group you end up stuck there for the whole run. In a decent group however Disc feels really good to play still. However somethings clearly off…

Since If I want to do damage while healing, Shaman with 3x Turn the Tide + 3x Igneous Potential generally heal both more efficiently and deals way more damage(Versa built). Then shaman’s concidered “poorly optimized” for smal group content… Glimmerdin also outperforms Disc at dealing damage. Monk… I have little experience with them, but they seem to also outshine Disc atm. I won’t even mention druid since It’s way out of line.

So when I feel i contribute more damage with my reactive healers over a proactive I damage while I heal spec. something seem rather off to say the least. Disc only really feels good in predictable scenarios these days, which are way more commonplace in raid enviroments.

That hurts…


In case any (future) disc players are around, check out this guy:
He also plays random groups sometimes and talks about how he is dealing with the situations:

I wish there would be balance changes more often at least slight number/percent adjustments to certain abilities.
Having to wait for ~4 months and then hope that the next major content patch address issues is depressing… This also keeps me thinking if disc would be viable now even without the nerfs.

Anyway. On my disc I only run the weekly +10 with my guild and stick to raiding the rest of the time. For m+ and PvP I switched to Pala, even considering to bench my priest if 8.2 does not fix things.

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He depleted (not to mention barely managed to finish with bwonsamdi buff) a 16 td with a 2.5+ grp of selfsufficient dps classes + prot pala.

Truly inspirational. Nerf disc

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