How to find recrafter?

Hi, i need recraft legs and i 3 days spaming channer 5 for servicis in valdraken, and still i cant find someone, in guild we dont have anyone who can…

Its must be way how to find recrafting, why i cent put in to the public order??

Inspect players that might have the same crafted item or check the armory for your realm to find who has it and then send an in-game mail or whisper to the player asking who made their item. Then find out if the crafter is willing to do a recraft. (Also, if you inspect in-game, the tooltip will have the crafter, so you may be able to skip a step.)

Trade (Services) channel is for boosts. Look in /2 (Trade) channel.

You can also look at the name of the original crafter and whisper them when they are online.

You’ve not posted which item either, someone may be able to help and craft the item for you!

Yup, why can public orders have re-crafting too…

Imagine sending in a Q3 item to be recrafted, hoping for a Q5 and getting a Q1 as a result. That can happen. I have actually done recrafts of a Q4 item where the possible outcomes were 35% chance of Q5 and 65% chance of Q3, but no chance of getting another Q4… So sometimes you have to accept a drop in quality if you want to gamble for max quality.

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