How to fix arms

I really can’t for my life understand why they made D-stance a talent.


But that is what happened to every Class. Even Mages and Rogues. Less for them but still.

Yes but as a rogue you can vanish away .
As a mage you can root , poly and shimmer away while as a warrior you stayin the fight becouse you cannot escape and face your enemy. The loss of all deffensive cooldowns was a really bad move.


One cant Forget the tools arms had to had a fighting chance vs mage and rets, wich was shattering throw, that made them go into a more defensive gameplay instead of going mongo dmg vs arms for the win, since you cant just heroic leap away because rets and mages will catch you anyways, and even if they dont, you dont have any tools to heal, so that goes without saying.

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Back then warriors had blood craze , second win , thunder clap , demoralizing shout , Enraged regeneration , Shield Wall and many other cooldowns along with shield block , longer duration of disarm and many more. This was to help them survive becouse they COULD NOT vanish nor root the enemy and blink away or poly and escape or turn invisible.
Right now fury and arms have mongo damage traded for all those sweet cooldowns i listen.


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