How to fix balance druids in PvP

Make Starsurge a cast time with a shorter range
Reduce sunfire range

Spamming high instant damage with little counterplay is retail design (DH, BM hunters etc), and doesn’t belong in classic.

High instant damage usually has a caveat (PoM pyro has 3 min CD, Arcane Surge requires set up and ooms you, etc).

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They are doing something.

Oh, and now people are talking about sunfire already. What’s next? Make boomie a melee staff weaving chicken? Go on.


I think that will be nerfed too.

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I dunno, maybe you shouldn’t be able to spam high instant damage while hopping in and out of max range?

If you want to play something with unavoidable high damage with no counterplay, play a DH on retail instead

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Or imagine pressing buttons on keyboard … Oh wait that is why u left retail at first place. To hard to press more than 1 button :joy:


Pls :rofl:

who even uses sunfire in PvP, its all about that wild growth


You’re the one defending the crits 70% of someone’s health on a 6 sec CD with no setup or counterplay

Oh well post nerf, the FoTM rolling trash will have to play something else now, like they always do