I remember the satyr models you linked back in November and think that something like that manages to be both “cool and monstrous” and “visually appealing” in a more conventional sense. Definitely would play!
However, I am someone who would play a lot more Alliance characters if all things were equal. But my friends are on horde and have no reason to change to Alliance, so I’ll stay Horde. Since I don’t imagine I’m a special and unique snowflake, I assume there are many other people in a similar situation who would also play the other faction if they weren’t stuck because of friends/guilds being on one faction.
I wonder if small measures like allowing you to mail mats and gold cross-faction on the same realm would help? One of the off putting things about starting on a new faction is having no gold and few ways to provide help from your main (benthic gear was at least good being BoA). Perhaps this would encourage some to at least try out life on the other faction?
They really are, they are humanoid looking, also appeals to furries but also monstrous, inclined to evil side which means variety among Alliance races. W3 reforged made Satyr female models too, so they have it now, even if there isn’t one in WoW, actually there is but she has appearence of a male one. Just gonna leave a few links here if someone wants to take a look at them.
We’ll get Fauns in worst case scenario, aka discount Satyr, cuter ones.
It it seems impossible to me, faction change money is not something that Blizzard will give up on, they won’t allow crossfaction plays.
There are too many of them yea, I’m sure there are alot of old Alliance players torturing themselves in Zugzugrimmar by playing horde
I don’t know why that isn’t an option or what they are trying to solve with that. Starting from scratch discourages some people and they give up on starting a new adventure on opposite sides probably.
Blizzard have many simple steps that they can take at their disposal but they don’t intentionally
That or you make “chore” activities in game as wel as awarding their usual stuff, also award BOA tokens that can only be used by characters of the opposite faction for example, so you build up a chock of them. Or special faction-only EXP potions.
To avoid the jarring nature of NPCs giving you stuff for the opposite faction, just make a random ethereal currency come out of it, and add an NPC in the ethereal bits who trades such currency for BOA gear for the other faction. If the exp potions were quite strong, it would be a strong incentive for people to play both factions a bit as alting on the other faction would be extremely quick and “easy” to get into lategame due to catch up BOA gear, and then these chars generate currency for alts for the main faction.
So yeah you can still alt on your main faction as you do now, the idea is to make it so alting on the opposite faction is quicker, easier, more convenient etc.
As i said, the path of least resistance. Also this isn’t the first time this has happened. Just looking at server populations throughout wows history and you can see that the majority both PVP and PVE servers have been “plagued” with faction imbalance. Balanced factions simply isn’t the norm, and will never be.
Here are the models referenced. I don’t think many alliance players would have an issue with this kind of thing. I mean i’m not crazy about elves in general but i’d roll these:
Yes, you already know WoW Satyrs and females will be something like this but thicker probably since the games use different engines and coding as far as I know.
I’ve seen alot of Night Elf male bulky body demands on forums, Satyr has Elf ears, hoofs and bulkier body. It will also attract alot of Horde players’ attention to this side because they have orcish facial structure
I get the style is grittier, but the WC RF models are very very nice. Pandaren could definitely do with it as a tip for how to handle their model update:
Seems like fauns are eventually more likely though, which i’m not opposed to. I get a “Pan’s Labyrinth” faun vibe from them, so that they might not be all rainbows and sunshine and much more like the fauns from Greek legend wher there’s sinister undertones to their whole “defense of the forest” vibe. I like their design so far anyway.
Yes, it is a race that has similar physical traits to Satyr, I don’t know if they have evil side too. It is a nerfed version of Satyr, less evil more friendly.
Pan’s Labyrinth yea in 2008 or something I had a movie CD of it, I was scared of the blind beast with long nails and closed the movie without finishing it. Yes they are a good placeholder for Satyr, the best one we can have if it is not Satyr I suppose.
I agreed with you at the time as well. I seem to remember reposting all the lovely images for various people in that thread. Not just me obviously, others T3s did it too
Make it free. There is a lot better racials bonus on alliance side PvP and PvE, but peoples have tones of alts from years gameplay on horde and don’t want to reroll all of them by $.
Nobody expect alliance to be even 10% as good as MDI players. Same way nobody expects horde players to use their racials like Method.
Alliance keeps crying about horde having better racials and often they would use Method/Limit as an example. When they are actually having the better ones.
Sure i am funny But you start about MDI And that is not a metric for anything. It is claiming you want have multiple unholy DKs and Mistweaver for pushing keys, or 3 BM hunters.
The random nature of the orb drops were only changed at August, and other than bugfixes the only real change in the KJ fight happened on the 25st of July (9 days after Method killed KJ.) They used two priests on the fight according to RIO: A shadow priest and a Disc priest. I even checked back their kill video, and only their priests were goblins. The rest of the raid composed of trolls and blood elves.
As to Zul it really depended on when you were doing it. The fight was generally overtuned on the DPS requirement, and personally I feel it had way worse problems than blood elves being able to cheese the add spawns (such as you needed 5 subtlety rogues to make the tactic viable.)
My guild did not have access to that, in fact, we only had three rogues, so we just did not have the damage requirement to down Zul until they nerfed rogues (our group composition was extremely melee heavy back in Uldir.) In the end what worked for us was to two tank it. Even with the adds down having two dots rolling on people on top of the tank HP getting chunked from 3-4 stacks of the tank debuff was still nasty, which as I said the aforementioned racial would have made so much easier.
I am aware how bad the high end situation is on Alliance side right now, that I am not disputing in any way. What I am disputing is how a lot of people are downplaying Alliance racials because most of them are not a “press button, get more numbers” type of racial. There are many factors in play that cause a decline in Alliance numbers, but racials are not one of them (not for a few expansion now.)
Does that change the fact that there’s world 20 guilds on alliance, even when it is “Not viable to play on alliance”?
The whole “it’s not viable to play on alliance” ticked me off, when there’s enough guilds out there clearing every content on the highest difficulty with respectable worldranks. Most of them are recruiting as well. Is there more horde guilds? There is, but Blizzard is giving players an incentive to switch to alliance, using the famed slayer. They’re trying to make it better.
But the mindset of “oh alliance is not viable if you wanna raid, just switch to horde” is incredibly hurtful. Far more hurtful than any faction imbalance in fact.