How to fix faction Imbalance? Suggestion thread

just add playable nagas all will play them imagon how cool to play naga DHs wealding 4 warglives or 4x 2h swords as fury warrior …

Not gonna change anything tbh.

add more factions ? there is MMOS out there where they have more then 2 factions and dont have this poblom.

It will only divide it more, 1 faction still gonna be overpopulated, even with just 2.

I foreseen faction merge or something similar after shadowlands.

yeah boys likes to play skinny blood elfs for some rison lel.

I /facepalm naked blood elves on a regular basis. 9 out of 10 times it’s a man playing. I find that utterly pathetic.

1/10 what are axualy girls are creeps

oh look what a cute lidle fox.
i must just walk up to it and pet it.
Are u up for aduption ?
U need a hug ?
Why dont u come sit in my lap lidle cute thing ?
and so on and so on

Best thing to do would be to stop trying to sprinkle glitter on a turd. There shouldn’t be incentive to play as a crap Faction.

There shouldn’t need to be incentives at all. The Alliance needs reworked. Heavily reworked. It is just so utterly boring and that’s why people don’t flock to it in droves.

Every race is just another go on the human archetype.

Everyone is almost always a goody-goody Paragon

The Alliance are always the Good Guys and/or made to hold the Moral Highground

There is no drama in the Alliance. Even the examples that could be brought forward are lacklustre and so “first world problem-esque” that it just doesn’t work. There needs to be drama. There needs to be depth to the Alliance. The Horde are popular because they actually have variety. They actually have a story. They actually have real-world pragmatism and realism in the fact that they are not always lovey-dovey.

The Alliance needs a Civil War, and they should have gotten one in BFA if BFA hadn’t been a god awful mess. On top of that, frankly, some love could be given to the Alliance Racials. They don’t all need to change but they need to be updated to the current times.

The lore has nothing to do with the MMO inGame population - and in the end, it’s just your personal opinion about Danuser’s writing.

What the Alliance actually needs are free character transfers to them and cross-faction play.


It was an interesting idea in BfA to have completely different storylines and experiences for Horde and Alliance - that, plus the Two Sides to Every Tale mounts, got me to level and play Alliance characters for the first time. However, the Horde storyline had multiple options with the different Sylvanas loyalist and Saurfang supporter questlines, whereas Alliance just got the same story. There’s more incentive to play Horde to see more story and have different experiences.

Will the story in Shadowlands lend itself to more Alliance story options as some kind of late compensation? Perhaps, but it seems unlikely with the focus on covenants and not factions.

Will we emerge from the Shadowlands to an Azeroth that has dramatically changed and the Horde and Alliance no longer exist? Perhaps the current faction system will be scrapped (either replaced with no factions or maybe more smaller factions) for whatever comes after Shadowlands? If faction balance is unfixable, maybe the best option is to scrap it. Obviously that doesn’t help now though (and I’m still in favour of cross-faction play as a more immediate fix).

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Yeah, I’m sure it must be a crap faction if you don’t like it…

I just can’t play horde characters for a prolonged period of time. The overall theme, the zones, the leaders (I’d pick Jaina, Anduin and Genn over the turmoil that is horde leadership any day) and the general aesthetics just don’t appeal to me, can you imagine different people having different tastes?

You do you, I’ll stick with my crap faction.

Finally, there it is. Cannot emphasize this enough. It’ll circumvent the whole issue for good.

The lore has nothing to do with the MMO inGame population - and in the end, it’s just your personal opinion about Danuser’s writing.

What the Alliance actually needs are free character transfers to them and cross-faction play.

Lore does have its place. Lore, to be honest, is why the game exists. It’s why WoW isn’t just stick figures on a white screen. Lore adds depth. Lore is what defines both the Horde and Alliance. Sure, Lore can change a bit here and there, and its always being updated but the basic structure is what makes the game viable.

Lore is the driving force behind why which Races do what and what Factions those Races are on. Story is still big.

A free transfer won’t make people swap when they don’t want to transfer over. There needs to be reasons to why people would enjoy the Alliance. Obviously (and luckily) for a sizable group, there is! But sadly, there still isn’t enough to balance things out.

The two Factions are part of what defines what is WoW. It’s not a case of adding cross-faction play, its about bringing allure to both Factions. Even when not at War, they are two separate sovereign nations that distrust each other in general, no matter how many cross-faction orgies go on between the main characters or in Goldshire.

The Alliance needs to be a better Faction. It needs to naturally attract players rather than being indirectly forced. Better story and better racials would help

Imagine if BFA had actually kept on track as a Faction War expansion? You could have had Sylvanas waging total war without any mercy, while Saurfang formulated decent against her dishonour.

On the other side, you could have Anduin pushing to prove himself equal to his father as king while defending from an unrelenting Horde offensive. All the while, firebrands like Greymane and Tyrande pushing to meet abject violence with violence.

You could have had all those Horde decisions with Loyalists vs Honourbound and then have an Alliance counterpart between Royalists vs Vengeance-seekers.

Have the Alliance properly take back Gilneas. Have the Dreaenai and Lightforged defend the Amethyst Isles from the Horde. Yet have the Horde sorely press the Alliance into a bad situation by the end of the expansion. Have the Alliance be the underdogs for once. Have them actually lose. They’d spring right back in the next expansion (which should have been Ny’alotha) but have proper drama and a cliffhanger for the Alliance.

Being the underdog is partially what makes the Horde so great at times!

Look at Legion and how Alliance focused it was and came to be. The majority of main characters for that expansion were Alliance or previously Alliance affiliated, yet the Horde still did pretty well story-wise. There wasn’t much issue there. That was because of the Faction itself!

I’m hoping for the “time flows differently when you’re dead” sort of logic and that we’ll go back in time and Blizzard can call a mulligan on “most” things from WoD onward and actually make a better go at things! Otherwise, yeah, I’d be kind of 50/50 for both the Horde and Alliance to be shadows of themselves and some massive 3rd Faction is top dog. The 2 Faction system is iconic and can work, it just needs fixed.

I’m not the one complaining about Faction Imbalance. There seems to be a lot of people who think the Alliance is a crap faction. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying people shouldn’t play Alliance! I am saying that the Alliance shouldn’t actually be crap, you know? The Alliance should try to attract half of the regional population on its own.

See, I can understand why people don’t like the Horde. I can understand the turbulent (and rather badly written) Warchief Muscial Chairs thing can be utterly grating. While I dislike Jaina and Anduin greatly, Genn for the most part is alright.

What is ironic though is that you are asking me to imagine that others have different tastes, yet it’s gone straight over your head the fact that we are literally in a thread talking about not enough people playing one faction.

I am not here to shout “Haha, dumb Alliance! Viva la Horde!”, I am here to say that Alliance needs a rework so that people don’t think its crap. The Alliance would be great if it wasn’t for its shortcomings.

You can’t complain about faction imbalance and also scold people over respecting different tastes. The majority of people have a taste for the Horde. That is their choice. You chose Alliance. That is fine too. Issue is though, why are you looking for cross-faction play? There is something greatly wrong if one Faction is so unpopular that those few people who play it are calling for an uprooting of the system just to appease their (sorry) “bad decision”.

Do away with crutches, stopgaps and that kinda stuff and actually make the Alliance itself cool. Better depth to the characters. Races that, even if not visually different to humans, are at least culturally different to the human archetype. Even the Horde manages that and the majority of them are “tribal”.

Most of all, though, we gotta change some of those racials!

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