How to fix faction Imbalance? Suggestion thread

I saw lots of mercenaries through the course of the AV event, most of them were up there actually trying to win instead of the people who just wanted to AFK in base. Many were amazed that the Alliance didn’t even want to try.

I ran lots of chars through with merc mode through but in the end it got too soul destroying to try and motivate a bunch of players who just wanted to lose fast because they had a fast queue. I started just taking the longer queue to actually play with people who wanted to at least try to win the BG.

I met some lovely Alliance, some of whom I know from the forums and we did manage to get some motivated groups so now and then.

The bulk of the issues in AV were Alliance, not mercs.


The Korrak’s Revenge meta turned into afk in base because of Mercenaries in the first place imo. Okay, I’ll believe you then your claim “There are horde players who try to win” thing and my claim is “There are horde players who is there to troll and sabotage Alliance teams and talk toxic on raid chat”.

This means it is not good for Alliance, they bring nothing special to us, why they are in our teams then, besides Alliance’s winrates went down considerably since Horde started to use mercenary, it is a concrete evidence of how harmful Horde mercenaries are to Alliance.

No it didn’t. The bulk of the AFKers were Alliance home grown characters. We had several forum regulars also checking them on armory or had addons that showed the mercs.

I won AV at least once as Alliance on every character I ran through and I levelled around 30 chars through the BG.

Ok, so…Let’s start.

That’s right. Racials are no longer revelant. Still, why do guilds are leaving Alliance, if they are not getting 5% DPS increase? Well, maybe the reason is somewhere else.

Well, guilds can’t switch to Alliance once an ID is consumed, however, they can switch to Alliance before going into the raid. But that’s too expensive and does not worth the money spent. The only thing some guilds are doing is race change, but that’s it. Still, they won’t progress back on Alliance side. So why?

Thinking that top 1% has no impact on those who are below is quite naive. Guilds below needs better guilds than them in order to seek for improvements. If the top is leaving, then how do you go further ?

So my question would be : Do you do content on Alliance side other than Role playing ? WoW is a theme park, don’t get me wront, I have nothing against RP players. I respect their choice. However, as someone who wants to clean raids, well Alliance is no longer a viable faction. When I left my last Alliance guild, I’ve got 10 invites from Horde side VS 1 from Alliance. And I’m not even top 1% player. So where does the issue comes from.

I’ll answer now : The issue is a snowball coming from the fact that more and more guilds are leaving Alliance so they can get into Horde’s larger player pool. And as time goes on and on, more and more guilds left Alliance since : “Hey, Horde has larger playerbase, so let’s move Horde”. That circle is getting worse and worse. At this point, some Heroic guilds are leaving Alliance. I mean, imbalance wouldn’t be an issue until Heroic guilds that can compensante using Pick ups are not moving Horde. But they are, because they want to try Mythic progress or simply have a more reliable raid roster.

It’s like players who are leaving low realm pop. They are right doing so, because WoW is still labeled as a MMO thus going where there is the most of players makes sense. Same applies for factions : Why would I play in an underpopulated faction, more especially for what I’m being interested in?


I explained why. I mean I literally had a textual rant about why this happens, so I kind of answered that one already.

Ask them? I don’t know. It will likely come back to “Because the racials, X Streamer said…”

C’mon, how many times do you see people citing what a streamer says on these forums, as if said streamer had some mystic insight.

It has no impact. That isn’t Naïve, that is just how it is. If you play the game, what does it matter if some people who gear themselves to the ‘Go Go Go’ mentality and rush content, then sit back and complain that there is nothing to do, think?

I don’t care. That’s sort of like saying “Oh well, so and so team won the F.A cup (insert sports trophy of choice), so I am going to stop supporting my team and support them instead”

Pinning your hopes on other people’s achievements is surely not as rewarding as achieving something yourself, I mean that is the definition of a Vicarious Pleasure, something you do not actually do yourself, but watch someone else do. Ultimately, it matters -Nothing- to your gaming experience.

Fair question, I don’t massively engage in content, primarily because everyone thinks it has to be such a rush, and it is just generally an unpleasant experience, in what is supposed to be a leisure activity. However, I spend my time split between my Horde and Alliance characters, so that I can experience all the questing content. By the time I would be ready to raid, some ‘Go Go Go’ team will already have completed the raid, and the cut scenes will be on YouTube, so it just seems kind of pointless. Its like “Oh well, I know what lore comes out of that raid now, and why bother getting gear that is going to be outclassed by drops from the new Expansion anyway?”

But that is what I said. That is literally what I said. Some people move Faction. Streamers go nuts about it. Everyone believes the Streamers, Everyone and their pet dog follows the flock, without using their own critical analysis skills.

The problem didn’t exist, until people thought there was a problem, and their reaction, -caused- the problem.

I think we’re arguing the same point. It is people blindly following, then complaining that people are blindly following, instead of considering “Have you considered just…Not?”

Following others is what caused this, because of this weird pedestal we put ‘pro-gamers’ on, and the credence we give to people whose opinion is no more or less valid than our own.

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I think that alowwing cross-faction grouping can fix it. A good portion of the player base picks races because of the racials, with ARs alliance has had some very good ones. Right now a high end Horde guild will not roll aliance because not everyone will make the change but with cross-faction some might roll alliance alts and still be able to do stuff with their guilds/friends. I beleive that this will result in a more natural fix to the faction imbalance, because people will not feel like they are losing something compared to just faction transfering.

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Removing mercenary would be a good start.

Either you help alliance out or enjoy your 1h queues.


Alliance were the first to have it for all of WoD. So if you stop that perk horde wount que so no pvp how does that help ?


No doesnt make sense there is dead horde realms aswell.

Nope humans already have a buff on rep reroll one .

If you cba to take use of 30% then they wount use it above its bad enough now with gank squads and no matter what Alliance hasnt got the numbers at all.

Bring in merc mode for PVE in LFD and LFR and allow x -faction LFG premades.

I agree, as do many others I’ve spoken to. We haven’t heard any news on the matter yet, I hope it doesn’t stick around for shadowlands, but if titanforging is any indicator, it’ll be around till 10.3


Are you obtuse to the fact that removing that and putting players off due to que times will make yours longer because who you going to que agaisnt if horde doesnt sign up think about it.


You’re being quite disrespectful to people such as the guild “Honestly”, “Ethical” or “Club Camel”.

There’s enough Mythic raiding guilds on alliance out there. They’re actively recruiting. If you can’t clear mythic on alliance it’s not the “faction imbalances” fault.

It’s the defeatist attitude that is a large problem. “Oh horde has better racials so why even try?” Draenei Aura was literally 1% hit, the strongest racial in the game back in the days.

Nowadays racials make up a substantially smaller difference, with alliance and horde being mostly the same (with the difference of dwarves, dark iron dwarves and nightelves being completly broken in m+, and bloodelves being good for Zul, which was in Uldir).

However alliance players still claim that horde racials are op, and that’s the reason nobody is playing on alliance, when there’s quite a few good guilds playing on alliance.

The issue isn’t the minimal imbalance, it’s truly not that big, it’s people simply blaming the issue they’re having with raiding, grouping and similar on racials, faction imbalance and similar.

It’s a players issue, not the faction, racials, guilds or anything else.


Why aren’t all the highest m+ players in the world playing alliance then? They’ve proven to be an incredibly strong choice in nearly every dungeon.

I genuinely hate the attitude that some alliance players showcase. I remember profoundly a guy I’ve raided with back in wotlk who we compared to other mages and his whole excuse was not having berserking, when the difference in dps was over 30%. It’s honestly more than just those superficial things. The problem’s root is in peoples mindsets.


Those are OCE guilds, I’m from Europe. Nice, it’s out of topic.

Well, they moved Horde…

As time goes on and on, the number of available Mythic Alliance raiding guild is shreding. Since I’m French, I was advised to apply at Bloody Tearz. I do respect the fact they are cleaning raid fast, they even killed U’unnat Mythic. So why didn’t I joined them. Because they are raiding 5 nights a week, which is something I can’t accept since I barely manage to schedule 3 raid nights + 1 extra night to get weekly content. 5 raids per week means I have to play 6 days a week, I can’t commit to that. Whereas on the Horde side, I have more guilds to choose from.

I never claimed that, and I understand to which extent why are some Alliance racials op (COUGH COUGH NIGHT ELF COUGH COUGH) but again, if factions were that revelant, then all MDI teams shouldn’t be allowed to play Alliance characters. I mean, they are playing Horde on their retail characters, so they should be proud of being Horde, right ?

Let’s do some abstraction :
On one hand, you have a faction that has larger player pool and that is gererally more keen on PvE and PVP. On the other hand, you have a faction that has lower player pool and that is less engaged in doing content. As someone who does content, the choice is cristal clear.


Daestraaa, I’m impressed by your genius point of view again…

There will always be enough Horde for us to match up with even if there was no mercenary mode.

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1- Horde players are against WM bonus since it is good for Alliance players.

2- Horde players are against removal of mercenary mode because they will suffer for playing crowded faction if that happens. You have to endure negative effects of siding with crowded faction, there must be a downside. If you want shorter queue times, come join Alliance.


there you go.

You’re from Europe. It’s out of topic.

I narrowed it down for you. You can even select french only if you’d like. There’s guilds out there recruiting who are currently 12/12 mythic despite

Alliance no longer being a viable faction.

Let’s disregard the player pool here, 55-45 is genuinely not that big of a difference.

Outside of the “lower to larger player pool” all you say here is “alliance is less engaged in doing content”. Why is that? They’re the same people playing the same game.

And honestly, I have no idea why they would be less engaged in doing content. I know from personal experience that alliance players were pissed about berserking. Many of them still are, partially rightfully so. So because one side gets a better racial, you stop trying your best? Does an entire faction stop trying?

When top guilds moved to horde, racial imbalances were an issue.

Blizzard has attempted to fix that issue by giving alliance allied races insanely strong racials.

Before that they’ve tried using Pandas, insanely strong racial for both factions.

They’ve attempted to fix it by introducing the Hall of Fame and thus granting a world 350 alliance guild a unique title.

They’ve attempted to fix it by introducing alliance bloodelves.

And people are still crying. They’re crying and crying. Crying about faction bias. Crying about horde bias whenever they can. They cry about horde racials. They cry about being unable to get invited to groups and they’ll continue to cry, until they’ll drown in their own tears.

It’s depressing to witness, honestly. If less time was spent on complaining and more time was spent on playing the game, perhaps there’d be a chance. Blizzard is already actively contributing to fighting the faction imbalance, especially on higher end raiding, the hall of fame and the title of famed slayer is quite juicy and I personally know 2 people who’ve transferred from horde to alliance to get that one with less effort than they were spending before. But if alliance players don’t use whatever helping hand comes, because “They’re less engaged in doing content”, any attempt to help will be in vain.

Why aren’t you the hero of the alliance who unites it and fights against the evil horde that’s taking over the wowprogress leaderboards? Are there no heroes left in the alliance?

I wish that pity talk would inspire people, but I guess it’s just too late, isn’t it?

Alliance players have given up quite some time ago. And that’s the only issue. Because obviously, giving up is always easier than fighting an uphill battle.

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1- No one cares about the WM bonus and least of all Alliance players it would seem since it doesn’t appear to work at all outside of Wednesdays when you get your free piece of gear from Shaw.

2- Well, yeah but you guys also benefit from it at times since most serious and dedicated PvP players on our faction will often times merc up for bonus honor and shorter queues. I cant begin to tell you how many times I’ve been up against Kazzak/Twisting Nether premades when I queue up as Horde.


1- 445 gear matters for world quest farmers and roleplayers not for serious players, Shaw gear is trivial vendor trash for most of us.

2- So that is why Alliance winrates went down so drastically, it was thanks to dedicated Horde PvP players, apparently they are far too dedicated and professional.

Given that world pvp is nor a fully opt-in system, who cares whether or not there’s an imbalance? Sure you can have a bad time when you get thrown into an unbalanced shard, but on the other hand many Horde players only turn on warmode for the 10% extra rewards. They don’t engage in World pvp unless attacked.
Just yesterday i watched a single alliance warlock attack 2 horde groups waiting in front of sethraliss. Obviously the guy got torn to shreds in seconds. less than 2 minutes later he was on his alt, insulting them in /1 for ganging up on him. No further comment required.

Sure, being in the smaller faction can have it’s challenges, but there’s also a way to deal with it: pick your fights. 1:1, 1:2 all doable. 1:15… just walk away. Just avoid the world quest that’s currently being done by 15 horde players. You don’t have to do that particular quest. Yet people run in and get upset that they get slaughtered.
Well, Sherlock, what did you expect would happen there?

And as far as the PvE side goes: Who cares what faction the top 100 guilds are? It’s something that has never impacted the way I play.

And if people answer well if you want current content come on Horde, would that be acceptable? Or would you find such a response offensive?

Don’t you guys think it’s time to just stop this horde/alliance bias rubbish. People are giving some suggestions on fixes, can’t people discuss that?

I think most of you guys haven’t followed the current storyline, we have signed a peace treaty :wink:

Aigo wrongly believes that Merc mode is a new feature and not something that has existed in the game for a number of years. That both factions have succesfully used merc mode and there is no interest by the bulk of players to throw matches or troll.

It’s just propoganda, spreading false claims.

If people want Mercenary mode removed because they don’t like fighting along side the Horde disguised as Alliance then fair enough but to have to make ridiculous unsubstantiated false claims is just not helping.