Mercenary mode does the exact opposite.
Mercenary mode enables you to get the benefits of being Horde while also getting the shorter queues and other benefits of being Alliance. Given this there is no reason at all to play it.
The benefit that Alliance does get, Honour, is completely meaningless, because Honour has become meaningless. The massive alliance advantage that’s supposed to fix all this gives you slightly faster pets. And I suppose faster access to Blood of the Enemy but that doesn’t last long either way.
This is what makes the faction balance issue self-perpetuating. You’re not the only person who thinks this. Far from it. You have to get heavy-handed to solve this.
Indeed, the current system doesn’t work at all. It’s gotten so bad the solution must be much more heavy-handed.
The first thing that needs to be done is that realms that are hilariously imbalanced need to be eliminated. Before that there’s pretty much no chance of fixing this. Merge servers based on realm population. And no I don’t care if names go in conflict and have to be changed. Convert the friends list to work based on character ID’s (is a trivial process) and then merge. Names will be updated, friends list remain the same, people will work it out.
Secondly, it must be impossible to flood the overpopulated faction with more players. Let’s take a realm like Kazzak. Hilariously Horde dominated. Now you can’t transfer to Kazzak because of its imbalance, and this doesn’t change until the imbalance is fixed. Wanna play with your friends? Cool, tell them all to transfer off of Kazzak.
a) You cannot transfer to a server where more than 2/3rds are the faction you wish to transfer to
b) You cannot faction change to it, either
Of course this will be absurdly frustrating if we don’t start out with balanced servers, hence the previous suggestion.
Delete all the current phasing and CRZ tech and all that other junk. Put in layering for the very biggest servers that had to be merged together.
Alliance and Horde get separate server queues. Wanna be hilarious overpopulated? Okay, cool. Pay the price.
Don’t worry, we’ll let you get off the servers are overpopulated for you for free!
Mercenary mode goes.
You think this is too heavy handed? Well, let me present you with this: Right now it is impossible to find an Alliance RBG PuG group. There are 0 available on the group finder.