How to fix faction Imbalance? Suggestion thread

No one knows the true win rates these days so it’s kinda pointless to argue about it. But I will say that in all my games as an Alliance merc I can affirmatively state that I have not encountered even one Horde troll.

The extent of my faction trolling as a merc is to bring out my Alliance fanatic pet named “Subpar Faction” and that’s the most egregious thing I have yet to encounter in battlegrounds.


Are you sure I’m the one spreading false claims?

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I wonder just how much of this is exclusively hurt pride… knowing that your faction is the numerically smaller one and grasping for reasons to change it while in reality it has very little impact on day-to-day play.

Lets see:-

Trolls in BGs have nothing to do with Mercing. And Mercs are there on the whole to win just like anyone else.

Personally I would be happy to see Merc mode and WM bonuses go away. However I don’t think we’ll see either go :frowning:


Well, some of those guilds are lying. They claim they are doing 3 nights raiding, but actually, they don’t, I mean, they are doing more than 3 nights raiding.

Well, the game director himself said that Alliance players are less engaged in doing content I do trust Blizzard, since they have official stats.

I spoke to a top French guild that moved Horde at the end of Legion. They told me they’d rather have a larger player pool to recruit from than a pointless “Famed slayer of [Introduce any name you want]” achievement title.

I moved Horde and I don’t regret my choice doing so. Again, player pool to recruit from >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pointless title.

Or you can try by yourself playing Alliance. I tried to stick with Alliance, I swear. But once I’ve got an overwhelming amount of Horde invite compared to Alliance, more especially after Ion said : “No faction merge for PvE” at Blizzcon, I was like : “Ok, let’s give Horde a chance!”

It’s easy to say when playing on Horde side. I tested both, and I would think the same if I started by playing Horde.

ok, how does it impact an alliance player what faction the top 100 guilds are? Because that’s the other half of what i said there. don’t just go quoting out of context.

There is nothing false with what I’ve said. I’ve witnessed personally to all those horde mercenary trolls, when you bring mouse cursor on to them it says “Zandalari Troll” for instance. Korrak turned into a 3% winrate bg because of mercenaries and I insist on this. The gap wouldn’t be that much if it weren’t for mercenaries, there were alot of them during Korak.

And winning is a habit, when people get used to losing they start to not care such toxic Horde player behaviour among Alliance teams has extremely negative effect on Alliance winrates. I’d rather try hard with Alliance noobs in my team and lose rather than losing because of Horde mercenaries who is there for short ques and quick currencies by defeat farming. At least when I try to educate our noobs they’ll have use for us in the future, perhaps they’ll be arena friend or something but there is no meaning in even trying with Horde mercenaries in my team, that is why I boycott bgs, I’ll never play them until removal of mercenary.

So I’m strictly against your idea briefly.

What you want means death of World PvP, I have WM on since it got added to the game even I would turn it off. You would find noone to fight on open World.

Mercenary mode does the exact opposite.

Mercenary mode enables you to get the benefits of being Horde while also getting the shorter queues and other benefits of being Alliance. Given this there is no reason at all to play it.

The benefit that Alliance does get, Honour, is completely meaningless, because Honour has become meaningless. The massive alliance advantage that’s supposed to fix all this gives you slightly faster pets. And I suppose faster access to Blood of the Enemy but that doesn’t last long either way.

This is what makes the faction balance issue self-perpetuating. You’re not the only person who thinks this. Far from it. You have to get heavy-handed to solve this.

Indeed, the current system doesn’t work at all. It’s gotten so bad the solution must be much more heavy-handed.


The first thing that needs to be done is that realms that are hilariously imbalanced need to be eliminated. Before that there’s pretty much no chance of fixing this. Merge servers based on realm population. And no I don’t care if names go in conflict and have to be changed. Convert the friends list to work based on character ID’s (is a trivial process) and then merge. Names will be updated, friends list remain the same, people will work it out.

Secondly, it must be impossible to flood the overpopulated faction with more players. Let’s take a realm like Kazzak. Hilariously Horde dominated. Now you can’t transfer to Kazzak because of its imbalance, and this doesn’t change until the imbalance is fixed. Wanna play with your friends? Cool, tell them all to transfer off of Kazzak.

a) You cannot transfer to a server where more than 2/3rds are the faction you wish to transfer to
b) You cannot faction change to it, either

Of course this will be absurdly frustrating if we don’t start out with balanced servers, hence the previous suggestion.

Delete all the current phasing and CRZ tech and all that other junk. Put in layering for the very biggest servers that had to be merged together.

Alliance and Horde get separate server queues. Wanna be hilarious overpopulated? Okay, cool. Pay the price.

Don’t worry, we’ll let you get off the servers are overpopulated for you for free!

Mercenary mode goes.

You think this is too heavy handed? Well, let me present you with this: Right now it is impossible to find an Alliance RBG PuG group. There are 0 available on the group finder.

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Yeah that’s the old song. Never understood why people claim to have less days dedicated to raiding. It doesn’t make your guild look better people. Especially not if you’re logging publicly.

This talks mostly about warmode and introduces the hall of fame as an incentive to switch to alliance for horde players who raid. Exactly what I said in my previous post, to be precise.

Also trusting Blizzard is a silly thing. You should know better.

I spoke to my former guildlead. He said he wanted a famed slayer title.

Opinions opinions.

I am actively (once a week) raiding heroic and pvping on alliance. Actively raiding mythic on horde. It pains me to lack a goblin jump, but outside of that, alliance is the exact same as horde. Just with a bit more of a defeatist attitude that prevents them from trying.

Why join Alliance they cant even win a BG lolz.

It is already done.

Faction population imbalance will be fixed by Void elf customization.

At least they cant pull that excuse next year when we know it’ll have had zero effect on the imbalance.

My bad, just realising I was wrong about you.

And It failed, because the gap between Alliance and Horde went from 2 weeks to 1 month. Hall of fame (Or should I say hall of shame) is a failure in what it is supposed to achieve : Incentivise players going back to alliance.

Yes, but once he’s going to start raiding off at 9 pm because : “Hey, we’re only 19 tonight, we couldn’t get an extra player so…raid off, see ya” his mind is probably going to change.

Try Mythic as Alliance then. You’ll understand how harder it is compared to Horde. I’ve tried both sides, and at this given point, either Blizzard merge factions for PVE, either I’m staying Horde. After all

I just miss some of my more casual friends.

I tried hard. But again, it’s like a voluntary departure plan. More time goes on, more you’re being incentivised to leave. So I left and I think I made the right call doing so. I just hope Blizzard would consider faction merge for PvE.

Panda speaks the truth, it is good to see people with unbiased clear opinions other than me.

I used to play on Ambossar-Kargath. A server with a massive imbalance towards the Alliance. Back then, of the Top 20 Guilds on that server, 2 were Horde. Alliance Guilds had absolutely no trouble recruiting players, for us however it was a nightmare.
We later moved to Blackmoore, where we still are today. A Big, well balanced Server. out of the top 60 Guilds, 31 are Alliance, 29 are Horde. If you’re curious or sceptic, you can go look. The ratio doesn’t change further fown the ranks. I just stopped counting after 3 pages on wowprogress. Neither Faction has an issue with recruitment or World quest.
I think where you play has just as big of a part in the experience as what faction you play. There have always been Servers with a Alliance imbalance, with a Horde imbalance and those inbetween. Choosing the right server makes just as big of a difference as what faction to play on that server.

Making false claims that mercs are there to sabotage does not help your argument but I am running out of ways to say any of this and I’m not going to repeat myself again. For the last time people are there to win. The point of the merc queue system is to get in and fill up teams faster to get more people into BGs. People are there for their daily wins etc.

WM on has done little for WPvP. Sharding has divided the community up even further and we are less and less server based these days. On Alliance if I want to play with lots of people around me I have to go WM off.

We used to have PvP realms for PvP with no bonus given. Now we have the bulk of the Horde use it for the PvE benefits and rarely see any Alliance out and about. Reset day when the WM tourists come out is pretty much the best time to get CTA done because you might actually find some Alliance to kill before they turn it off again for the rest of the week.

At times I feel really sorry for the Alliance trying to do their dailies. We swoop in and take rares from them, killing off every Alliance to get the tag.


I still insist on it, majority of Horde players are there to sabotage Alliance teams. Statistics are with me too, Alliance winrates has been dropping drastically since Horde had access to mercenary mode. If you don’t believe me then you have to believe in concrete proofs. Horde mercenaries are harmful for Alliance and I get an impression like this you are not here to discuss how to balance factions but more into “how to defend benefits of being horde”.

There is no world where mercenary mode is good for preserving faction balance, if anything it makes it worse.

I personally struggle only after new patches, like the day after 8.3 launch was terribly bad in Uldum, there was too many horde. Even now with 30% Horde is majority on open world but you defend removal of WM bonus, do you have any idea how catastrophic the consequences would be? :smile_cat:

Do you have any comprehension of how few people actually use WM for WPvP but it seems you can only make any claims about anything if they are some kind of hyperbole.

Blizzard are highly unlikly to remove WM, I would probably go as far as saying never. All servers are effectively normal servers now and people can opt in and out of WM. Even if they choose to tourist in WM on one or two days a week or drop out of WM any time they actually have to face the opposite faction. PvP realms are a thing of the past and no longer applicable.

I would love to see them remove the PvE perks that they use to bribe players into using a mode purely to get more resources. Let WM give Conquest, honor or the new PvP currencies for the vendors.

Actually everytime when I participate in assaults we do PvP. Mutual quest zones are a chaos. PvE players who is there for only bonuses die easily since they suck at PvP you can detect them easily and if you are on open world to complete an emissary then close down the game of course people shouldn’t attack each other during that time, it is a matter of environment and place. Uldum is good for PvP especially final objective parts of the map.

At least we agree on 1 thing. There is no going back now.

Bribe is a must on Alliance’s case, without bribe there is no meaning of taking risks. Blizzard took away Human racial superiority by butchering it below Orc racial for PvP, kept superior Horde PvE racials untouched for years, gave Alliance trash new races like Fat’tiran and Trashgnome and this is the result.

There is no way out in order to balance factions now except for bribing for extra rewards and making Alliance superior via racials in PvE or PvP via racial buffs. Population difference getting bigger every passing day…

If the Alliance were doing so fabulous in WM they wouldn’t have to sit on such a high bonus all the time.

Yesterday when the Vale reset and we are now on the many mount dropping rares, every poor Alliance that dared to have WM on was slaughtered, even if they were in five man parties.

Call to Arms is about the only mechanic that actually gets WPvP to happen but again it’s for a very short time. Again it feels bad to kill the same handful of people over and over while they are trying to quest purely to clock off 25 kills.

But by all means you hail this failed system a success.