How to fix faction Imbalance? Suggestion thread

Maybe it’s time to try an accelerationist approach to the issue. I say every Alliance raider should switch to Horde to hasten the demise of their faction thus forcing the devs to act!

what if i would rather play less competitive and more casual?
would it help? cause i wont spend more $

This helps alliance, i made my blood of the enemy along alliance. It was great.

Sure, but even if they do still that itself doe not bring players to the alliance.

What makes you think people pick a faction based on bonuses?
Ive seen more times horde being outnumbered in WM naz even though forum whined about alliance being outnumbered.

I was in alliance back in WoD, i didnt leave because human racial was underpowered nor that WM bonus was low but as you said… Lets be respectful

i think its Likely they wont bother.

Alot of players enjoy to forgot the fact, these factions have Different mounts, Aesthetics and more… Racial balancing etc etc wont fix that problem at hand, whenever there is a choice, they’ll always be a Losing choice realistically thats just how things work.

thats not entirely true, even when the game was at its peak the game was Biased to one faction. Just it was Less noticable due to how popular the game was.

how would this work?.. u’ve created the solution for them if u all go horde, by 100% Horde 0% Alliance, they can maintain the Faction theme without it being a problem for players. if anything, they’ll just make stormwind the next raid to fit the theme of the horde winning lmfao.

what attracts a Casual to a faction is either Friends/Family Opportunity or aesthetic. realistically, Mythic raiding, Racial Balancing, Minmaxing isnt involved when it comes to this realistically.

the fix is simple, create a Circumstance where Players see Social Opportunity and more by rolling Alliance… the problem here would simply be, u’d need to gather ALOT Of players who all simultaniously Start alliance. as it’d create a Social Gathering where people wanna get involved to be apart of the fun.

the problem is simply, WHere the hell are u gonna find that many players… who are willing to throw their Mains aside for a Faction swap to even kick something off like this.

Blizzard cant fix the problem without looking “Controlling or Aggressive” and the playerbase cant fix the problem due to how many simply dont care for the problem to begin with.

your average player will go where they see a Realistic opportunity to reach the goals in the game they want, for example a M+ Pugger will likely go horde because theres simply more pugs avaliable for them to try join. your average Roleplayer will go Alliance as ur RP Servers are largely Alliance Dominated.

Being that some of ur largest servers are Isolated from u in WM Etc etc, makes the faction look even more dead… and having the Largest Playerbase of people playing the game for Lore/RP Instead of gameplay will always impede (im not saying its a bad thing just saying)

then u have AD which is great… u get to be allaince, u dont have to worry about being Merced left right and centre. but the playerbase Dont want a “OOCer” among them on the server.

so the Safe havens for Alliance dont want em.
they get merced by horde Running alliance.
The PuG opportunities are Lower.
and they’re restarting with no one they know.

In itself, the problem lays in those more then they ever will do about “Aesthetic”… or “Minmaxing”…

But the reason why it initially started to swap was because of better racials. We’re currently in a free fall and nothing will likely stop the imbalance.

I’m glad though, I’m SO looking forward to cross-faction play on every level. RP-wise I would welcome our belf-overlords to Stormwind City.

Forgive me, but we horde are also not just rerolling alliance on argent dawn because of the alliance outnumbering.

The racials of alliance are fine, or even the better ones for specific content. So what can blizzard do…

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I doubt we will see cross-faction play :stuck_out_tongue:

i just dont feel the top 1% Impacts a Casual Gamer enough to drive this, and iirc horde starting growing massively in TBC, which method were still Alliance during… soi they couldnt of been tghe first to move realistically.

I went horde prolly mid vanilla, and Mostly because all my family went alliance. i want to go alliance, but Simply playing a opposite factino to everyone i’ve met throughout the game… is a Lonely thought.

…is nothing. They tried it at least several times during BfA and every idea failed. They try to give them better racials and they fail. They also try to make them attractive with the helf-velf but it will keep on failing. The Horde is simply too strong and will endure every attempt to balance it out. If you just could see yourself. The red team standing at the high end of food chain. Savor it, it will not last.

The very same said also the belf-players in the helf-discussions and that the Alliance will never get a fair-skin for them. And look where we are today.

I almost wanted to write in that specific topic “WHERE ARE YOUR GODS NOW??” but I’m fine with winning the argumentation. And yes, because I’m on a winning streak when it comes to my predictions, I’m thinking that we’re going to see cross-faction play in some form in the near future.

Given the new customisations though and those that say that it is a Belf problem that Horde are stronger, do you not think we will see more people who love Alliance re-roll?

I would love to see this too :slight_smile:

Players switching to the horde because of much larger player count within horde faction, not because of looks, hair colours or racials. Alliance is pretty much made of abandoned chars, random alts and casuals not interested in organized content. It will be getting worse and worse. The only way to save alliance is counter very reason to leave. That means giving access to larger playerbase without leaving alliance faction.

Literally will not happen in this expansion. Such a feature would have been announced at Blizzcon if it were in the works.

They could maybe make a spin on the Covenant system in the open world or something along those lines but that is hardly what a true cross faction system would be like.

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Some will but most of them will stay on Team Red. I think it really comes down if Blizzard will bend their knee and include a full-fledged race option to either the velves or a new race. And as far as I can judge the outcry on the US forums, they will likely force Blizzard to undo their mistake and give them the allied race they deserved for years now. Sooner or later it will happen because these topics will not end until silver-blue justice has been served!

Already confirmed to happen. Blue/Reds will fight against other Blue/Reds.

That has been a thing since Timeless Isle so that really aint anything new.

That’s not the point. However, there will be a system in place with special events and likely even rewards for the Covenant you fight for.

Cite sources please because I cant find anything on it. At least not anything relating to cross faction play.

wowhead, one of the developer interviews after the BlizzCon. I have posted this in the past here on the forums but I cannot find it anymore without the proper key words per google.

Giving people helf will not address the faction imbalance, I have no idea where this crazy notion comes from. It assumes that a majority of belf players are “making do” with horde and would roll alliance in a heartbeat if possible. There’s no evidence for that.

Some may, most won’t.

Fact is a majority of belf players are players who in all probability (like most players in games like this) don’t care too deeply about the lore. Certainly not to the degree a political nuance like helf-belf means anything signifiant to them. They picked belf because it’s a fair elf race and looks good. The end.

These people will not pay for a fraction transfer, leave their friends behind/coerce their friends to faction transfer or reroll simple because of the ability to hang around in castles when they’re coming back to AH/Bank. The very idea is absolutely bonkers.

This is not a commenton viabiltiy of helf as a seperate race- that is an altogether different discussion with differenct concerns and factors. This is only the address that people who seem to advocate that “adding helf” will resolve the faction imbalance issue are in many cases using it as a line of argument to make the addition of helf appealing to alliance in general and it requires a huge degree of assumptions to entertain.

Will it add more players to alliance? Yes.

Will it overturn the faction imbalance back to neutral? Don’t have a laugh.

Is this the thing you’re referencing?

They’re also thinking about potentially some Covenant vs Covenant action. Covenants are not naturally enemies but there’s probably some spaces where there can be some challenges between the factions


I didn’t watch the full interview so am not sure if this was elaborated upon further.