Yes, they are normal boomkin form except for their clothes. What is unique about them, of course they will be slightly different from other races but we were talking about being unique not slightly different.
What is wrong with Trashgnome? They live among trash and upgrade themselves by using trash, they scream “trash”. What is childish about this? Or what is childish about Fat’tiran, their the most distinctive physical trait is being fat, Blizzard made them so. Besides we also call Moonkin as Boomkin. If I were the first one to use that term 15 years ago here, I’m sure you would call me childish for calling Moonkin as Boomkin.
Reddit is cancer, they keep downvoting you when you disagree.
Racials are very much Balanced at the moment. In fact Alliance got the more superior racials for M+ and PVP, and to some extend even some raid encounters.
I was downvoted many times for saying “Limit will win world first race Method looks bad this time.” in 8.3 and limit won the race. 80% of r/wow users are braindead.
Hiding from trash mobs requires synergy. Pug Night Elves generally fail to use it, we have no use for it. Some of them are not even aware that they have a racial.
All players should be able to do content together. It’s fitting for the current circumstances in the story too. It became outdated in TBC, and has been irrelevant storywise since Mists.
People who are not capable of participating in high end content currently will still struggle even if Blizz decides to add crossfactionplay. Nothing will change for them.
MDI is a gimmick. You can not copy it to live servers. These players are also all the time switching between classes and races. Mostly Nightelf and dwarf are used, depending on the dungeon and affix. But for a shadowmelt-skip you need a full group of nightelfs, which is unrealistic for live servers.
Also these players look where they can pull the biggest so they get a lot of count somewhere in an area. And then they can skip another less inefficient part. This can mean they actually pull packs people on live never pull anyway.
Pushing keys just making timers on your max level key is something else than going a lot of keys down and try to do that as fast as possible. Never compare this with each other. You even notice on the last stages in MDI where the change from +19 to +20 comes that they often have practised it on +19 and that it is not working anymore on the +20, or it is way more dangerous.
Like, where are those mistweavers on the highest keys on live?
My most played character this expansion is my Human Warlock.
what I am suggesting is a way to make sure neither faction ever feels on the bottom ever again. To ensure there is no “winning” side, that every player gets a healthy and enjoyable experience.
But of course the local contrarian has to take an issue with something in any thread he sees.
People in general will always seek the path of least resistance. And now that is by playing horde, so players will slowly switch over to them.
Best they could do is to just remove the faction restrictions as a gameplay element. It would let players play whatever race they want with their friends, as well as giving blizzard the liberty to make the story grow by letting factions rise and fall.
i think theres several things that really cause the imbalance, sure i do agree racials were likely the start of it, but believing the casual playerbase chose their faction based on racials is silly. people naturally look for the most Popular themes as it makes their life easier…
at the end of the day… fixing the problem is also on the player end… we as players have to be willing to reroll, for the sake of improving a Faction… how many players are you honestly gonna meet willing to do such?..
even if enough of us rerolled to roll out the factions at 50/50… we’d still have Less players as a horde player currently, so the reward for many is Less then what they’re currently given.
i’d happily go alliance, but my friends and family play horde… and i know no one on the alliance side lmfao.
I think this is a major point which needs to be dealt with if large scale swaps to Alliance are to happen. I started on Horde because that’s what my husband played. He picked Horde because he preferred their racial mounts when he started back in TBC. Most of my friends and my guild are Horde, so there’s no incentive to switch. I’d rather be a pretty night elf druid that a troll druid, but there’s no point being any kind of druid if I can’t play with my friends.
I believe that any kind of solution to address imbalance needs to be focussed on more than just the individual. The Hall of Fame was probably trying to do this by giving an incentive for whole guilds to be Alliance, but clearly this had not been enough. Would free or discounted faction transfers for whole guilds help? Or would existing Horde guilds and players just think “it’s fine as it is, so why bother?”
There is no way to fix it. Game population is shrinking and players naturally trying to stick to single faction, which is the horde atm. The same way people leave dead realms for still populated ones.
Blizz surely can make Alliance extremely attractive to play but that would only make factions switch the places. Best thing they can do is allow crossfaction grouping and guilds. So people can play whatever faction they like without worsing gameplay if theychose less popular faction.