How to fix fury warrior! can a DEV pls read <3

  1. Make Single-Minded fury base line and buff it to 10% dmg, 10% leech, 10% movement speed, 40% auto-attack dmg 10% attack speed. Also make a new thing where u can use 1 two-hander and 1 one-hander call it hybrid force. Really dont like that blizz is so lazy to only care about titans grip. it would be so much more fun to play fury where u have 3 diffrent styles depending on what weapons u get. I like that i can use both two-handers and one-handers because there sometimes drop some good one-handers with good effects, thats also why i think it would be really cool to have a hybrid of both with a third grip spec “Hybrid force”

  2. Change bloodthirst to “bloodthirst does x amount dmg and makes u heal for 50% of your next rampage dmg” and this new bloodthirst maybe has like 20sec cd lowered by haste.

  3. Change powerful enrage to 20% increase dmg and 2 sec extra on enrage. There is no point to take this talent if it only gives 15% beacuse then its better to take frenzied enrage and just get 15% mastery.

  4. Improved bloodthirst 10% dmg and 10% extra healing on rampage.

  5. make it so raging blow is the ability that gives u enrage now 10% change and if u have fresh meat gives extra 10%

  6. Make improved execute baseline and put wrath and fury there instead and make improved whirlwind baseline so u only need to use 1 talent for meat cleaver.

  7. remove Vicious contempt no point of having this now with a more slower playstyle of bloodthirst. Add in annihilator talent " Your attacks have a change to increase your attack speed by 20% and your attacks generate extra 2 rage and causes Annihilator strikes for x amount of dmg"

  8. Make cold steel, hot blood work with rampage now instead of bloodthirst.

  9. Bloodcraze “raging blow increases the critical strike chance of your next rampage by 15% stack up 5 times”

  10. In the odyn’s fury talent choice bring back siegebreaker. So u choose between odyn’s fury or siegebreaker and also buff odyns fury to also increase dmg done on target by 5% and make odyns fury a 30sec cd lowerd by haste.

  11. Buff titanic rage to “Odyn’s fury or Siegebreaker deals 15% more dmg and grants u 4 stacks of whirlwind”

  12. Unnerf dancing blades in PVP.

  13. Remove Depths of Insanity and make unbridled ferocity a duel talent choice where u pick between unbridled ferocity or Bloodbath from MOP. also buff unbridled ferocity to “Rampage or Onslaught have 25% chance to grant Recklessness for 5sec”
    Now to explain why have these talents its pretty simple u either choose between more burst and kill preasure with bloodbath during avatar/recklessness cds or u take unbridled ferocity for the more dmg when u dont have cds. So unbridled ferocity would fit the more haste heavy playstyle and bloodbath the more bursty slower playstyle.

  14. Change Overwhelming Rage to Deadly Calm kinda like how it was in MOP.
    Example they could do “Deadly Calm reduces the rage cost by 100% of ur next 2 abilities 45sec cd and your maximum rage is increases by 30 " or make it more of a passive example " Deadly Calm - your maximum rage is increased by 30 and everytime u have 130 rage 1 ability cost no rage”

  15. Bring back the MOP effect on dragon’s roar where it will always crit.

  16. Change enraged regeneration to " Reduces damage taken by 30% and u heal for 50% of all your dmg for 8 sec"

if they where to make these changes to fury, fury would really feel more like how it should being a bloodthirsty rampaging berserker and with the new bloodthirst and having siegebreaker and MOP bloodbath and powerful enrage a true slower bursty playstyle of fury would be viable and fun to play.

So u can play titans grip big burst build or haste spammy build or SMF Haste build faster rage regen and the more spammy playstyle that i do really like or hybrid force get a bit of both worlds. it really just opens up so many more options for fury.

Now ofc some of the stuff i have written might seem broken but giving fury these new/old abilities would save the class and ofc if it does end up being too strong it would be very simple to balance just nerf the numbers.

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Tbh feels like you are asking for single minded fury and more self heals. Which i disagree with both.
Fury has a really strong on demand healing atm and in fact we are almost immortal ( probably only good thing about us) we only die to 1 shots basically. For pvp that kinda makes sense , fury feels like a glass canon but any change to this will take away the only niche we currently have on this spec for pve.
Titans grip probably best thing they introduced to this spec , 2 big sword wielding blood crazed berserker ( basically any other ‘’ berserker’’ class you can find in any other game / fantasy stories ). Problem is number tuning. There is nothing wrong with the spec fantasy but i do agree that hybrid 2h/1h combo can be fun. I think outlaw still uses dagger as off hand. But outside of that there isn’t a perfect world both exists and sims the same and if single minded fury becomes the dominant playstyle , i dont really wanna have 2 short sword. I am a berserker , i want to have 2 big weapons.

I’m actually curious what the TWW-change to SMF (Auto-attack crits have a 50% chance to enrage you, in addition to the stat buffs we already get, IIRC) does for the talent, i prefer 1-handers because i don’t play an Orc or Tauren, so my character looks downright ludicrous swinging two WoW-scale 2-handers around.

That, or Blizz should just add a transmog-exception, so fury warriors can transmog 2-handers to 1-handers if they want.

reading this while sitting in roots

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Calling fury immortal in a PvE scenario is quite a stretch, meanwhile you call fury a glass canon in the next sentence - doesn’t add up. Could you elaborate on this PvE niche “we” currently have, because I just don’t see it. If you mean the niche B for bad or C for clunky, I agree with you.

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Basically your healing is ultra nerfed on pvp and your heal relying on you hitting the target doesn’t help that either , idk whats hard to not understand sir. Fury currently has best non immunity defensives in the game pve wise. Low cd spell reflect which is magic damage taken reduce and basically lets you cheese some mechanics too , def stance , passive enrage , bitter immunity , enrage regen ( probably best pve defensive excluding immunities) , really low cd huge healing button called impending victory.

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Excuse me, sir, it’s hard to make sense of something that doesn’t in the first place. Things you listed are hardly relevant when it comes to the, by far, most popular thing in this game, which is m+. Pug leaders, whose general main goal is to time the key, care about certain aspects when inviting dps, besides rating, highest key and ilvl, and that is:

does the dps bring exceptional damage; fury: no;
does the dps bring a battle res; fury: no;
does the dps bring bloodlust; fury: no;
does the dps attack from range; fury: no;
does the dps bring consistent CC; fury: no;
does the dps bring an important group buff; fury: no;
does the dps bring exceptional group utility/survivability/skip potential; fury: no;
does the dps bring some sort of cheese ability (e. g. immunity/MD) to deal with a certain important mechanic; fury: no.

How is me calling out fury doesn’t need more self healing concludes to this ?

Also warrior brings cheese with spell reflect ( taunt reflects ) so this one is irrelevant

I do agree with what you posting but that isnt even the topic of my answer , idk if you even read what i responded originally before you start rage posting.
My original answer only was what i disagree about healing and single minded fury.

YES warrior has no utility
YES we do 0 damage
YES we don’t bring any group utility

We can just survive on OUR OWN which helps for raiding , bosses like artificier xymox where we get send to platform twice cuz fury has to f up to actually die.

You said fury is factually almost immortal, I disagree. Fury cannot survive on their own and need a healer just like everyone else. Everything else you said is irrelevant when it comes to m+, the most played mode in PvE. Spell Reflect? Pretty irrelevant as fury in Pug groups. 9/10 times you will die when taunting an NPC because the tank doesn’t expects you to. Therefore, it’s just a personal. I am not making this up. When I play 13 keys and up, no warrior ever dares to taunt since it’s too risky in an uncoordinated group, which an overwhelming amount of groups are.

Completely false.

that is your issue

Generalizations are bad, I agree. Uncoordinated pug groups without voice etc. are not a “me”-issue, it’s just the reality of m+. Warriors I have played with in these keys just don’t do it, either because they are bad, or, which is more likely, they are not willing to potentially bring more disruption than the potential gain of taunting an NPC :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Dw i’m not trying to roast you or anything , you getting me wrong . I do agree all the problems you talked about exist except self sustain healing.
Some other class having uncoordinated infinitely better cheese with something like feign death , invis , vanish or even immunity etc but its false to say we dont have a cheese. It’s just needs infinitely more coordination of what other classes need.
Warrior isn’t in a good state for like forever and dragonflight talents didnt help at all. I used to be able to take all my below average utility without losing my already below average dps. No more intervane , no more fear , no more aoe slow or fear removal. Also idk if you seen but we are currently have highest class with dps node choices that has 37 dps nodes in class tree even after the minor fixes in war within alpha. We don’t really have any meaningfull choice compared to a class like mage

Idk all these changes are needed.
Some of them gave me a demon hunter vibe where your class is two buttons with filler on CD.

idk imo fury is currently too homogenized with arms and with the addition of Bladestorm for Fury in TWW, its gonna be even worse.

yea it’s not

LOL nice try. In comparison to everything else Spell Reflect is a drop in the ocean.

Warriors need a proper re-work from the ground up but its not going to happen by the look of things.

How about removing this silly 5-target hardcap to a 8-target softcap and removing the cap on certain abilities like thunderclap/whirlwind? Look at how many classes are soft-capped or uncapped and just smashing us in big pulls in Mythic+ Every year the same deal, and yet nobody wants to listen, its really tiring.

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hell no thanks

Fury is immortal in mythic raids. Insane self healing, def stance, perma 10% dr and spell reflect (low cd).
Somehow warrior is always in dire need of a utility rework, but saying that fury is not immortal (in pve) is a lie.

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