How to fix PvP Pet Battles

  • Pets take 50% less damage in the backline.

  • Pets receive 50% less self-healing in the backline.

  • Sunlight Weather duration is now 5 rounds instead of 9.

well, there’s a lot more that needs to be done but i totally agree with those 3 points


Maybe I should clarify that the 50% backline reduction should apply to AoE only, and not to DoT abilities.
Why is AoE so powerful anyway? It’s dumb and Blizzard insists on making it overpowered.

There is a few of the aoe abilities that are too strong at current twilight Meteorite, poison protocol, money meteor and great sting among others. Without them there would be alot less aoe strategies.

1. Pets take 50% less damage in the backline.

The devs did a major nerf to AoE and the major AoE pets at the end of Warlords, saying that AoE, and especially Meteor-type abilities, was too strong.

… and then introduced the Twilight Clutch-Sister. Ri-ight.

They have been ramping up the AoE in BfA again, with things like Poison Protocol and Anomalus. So AoE is due for another nerf. But making a systemic change, by halving the effect of AoE on the backline, is not the right move.

AoE is a legitimate and necessary mechanic to prevent Avoidance becoming too dominant. It’s the specific pets and abilities that need adjustment, not the concept.

2. Pets receive 50% less self -healing in the backline.

I’m a no on this as well, as stated. My sense is that healing, including self-healing, on the backline is OK, except in Sunlight.

I’d back it in Sunlight - that is, I’d be OK to have the Sunlight effect not apply to backline healing.

3. Sunlight Weather duration is now 5 rounds instead of 9.

This just sounds like a plain good idea.

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  • The trend for the overpowered aoe abilities was set in August 2017 not BFA. Patch 7.3 introduced all of the aoe abilities that are causing issues apart from money meteor and void slap but those two are just copies of existing stuff. What the Devs are intent on doing is having the same abilities on multiple pets so it was inevitable that these aoe abilities became a problem.
    There’s nothing wrong with strong aoe but it needs sufficient set up relevant to the steps involved in making it viable. Just using the Poison Protocol or Twilight Meteorite gives way too much value compared to other ‘regular’ aoe.

  • Photosynthesis is one of three abilities that provide way too much value on the backline along with Nature’s ward and Immolation on Imps. Just running the numbers puts them way up there in terms of value. Immolation doing between 700-900 damage and also healing up around 500 passively. Nature’s ward healing up to 900. Photosynthesis healing upto about 1500 buffed.

  • A few abilities scale too hard with Sunlight: Drain Blood, Photosynthesis and Imp Immolation. I don’t think a 5 round reduction would help with either Photosynthesis or Immolation significantly and both are commonly paired with Sunlight. Maybe removing the health increase along with changing Photosynthesis buff mechanism would help as Moonlight doesn’t have the same problem with those abilities.


I agree, cutting down on the Health buff is probably better than reducing the duration of Sunlight.

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Starting from the team damage—

To avoid even more clutter (feel free to ask though) I concur it is easier to detach a little and just look at the cooldown/effect ratio.

Let’s say 5/36 and 2/25 as an example. I imagine a part of the problem is that with such small baseline numbers they need to be rounded more often than not. Area over time needs to be even smaller because Fumes (is defensive Rain a thing even now?). I would prefer opinions other than mine though, I am such an odd person. :stuck_out_tongue: I expect the preferences will vary, of course, but not to the point of total discontent, shall we?

For healing, I think there is no reason not to make the abilities a bit more various so some might work better on the frontline (that’s how it would be phrased) while others remain fixed (though not with the current numbers). Or the number gradually changing etc. I believe that like AoE mechanics, not all would be effective enough to draw attention (fixed party healing anyone?) and apparently that’s okay, although that’s always more stuff to keep track of.

  • Photosynthesis (6) definitely should not proc to 250% rather than 200%. To achieve that the second tick needs to be 3,6 not 6 (12/1,25=9,6).
  • Nature’s Ward is 8 for… reasons as the racial dependency change cannot be regarded a payback should it? (See how Teroclaw turned out.) Keep the flavour and go back to 6, OR make it last 3 rounds.
  • I wouldn’t mind shortening Immolation’s duration but got a feeling the two ground dots would have to follow aswell. I don’t fancy chasing something because of a minor synergy, one could spread it to too many areas.
  • Sunny Dayuuuh if they just cut out the health pool they’d have to suggest something else to differentiate it from Moonlight. So, would +30% health be enough? Or cut away base health dependancy and go 12 to 300 depending on level? Maybe something different like pets can’t be forced in or giving 25% accuracy to the first attack of a round? (that’s completely randomly said btw).

I apologise for adding more questions than answers.

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i’d just get rid of the addition sunlight tick tbh. the base healing would already be enough and similiar to nature’s ward, especially with the sunlight healing buff.

talking about sunlight, i don’t see any reason for it to have both additional health and extra healing. i think one weather effect that buffs healing is enough and i’d like to keep moonlight for that. i know that there are quite some pets that are built around having a healing+sunlight, but imo 50% additional health can already offer a lot of resilience (not the buff). obviously they will be significantly weaker, but i’m sure no one would mind having those nerfed.

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