How to fix the current battleground intentional loss meta

To fix the current AB loss meta I propose the following:

Make loss grant only 1 mark.

Nerf single bg token honor turn ins back to normal

Buff Concerted Efforts quest and repeatable to grand 22500 honor, ie. 3x7500 honor.

Give Battlemasters or the Concerted effort quest guy to have an option to “Queue for random bg” to populate all BG’s for marks and keep queues as fast as possible.

EDIT: Add mixed factions bg’s

or give mixed faction bgs, so horde can cry about shamans

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We got enough crying about paladins already

With mixed faction BGs, horde can sometimes get paly on their side.

I honestly think mixed faction BGs are the only solution, aside from balancing out:

  • Racials (active and passive)
  • Elemental Way of Earth shaman
  • AV positional advantage by Horde which was done in game 20 years ago too
  • Burst of Retardins which is felt by non shaman horde players.

With mixed faction BGs, horde gets to cry about shamans and racials, ally can cry about paladins and in AV, you get a 50% win chance cause you might end up on horde and be faster to Van then ally is to Drek

Dont know if that would solve the issue, since the goal for both teams would be too maximize honor. would still make sense for one of the teams too throw.

That would be fun. Forums would be filled with ally crying about pally domination

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Its funny how shamans gets buffed all the time, wonder what class the blizzard team is playing.

Lose now only get 1 mark = 2500 honor
Give to horde paladin class
Give to aliance shaman class

Problem solved.

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Yeah I think paladin to horde and shaman to alliance would be one step in the right direction.
But really they need to balance the pvp scene a bit more cause it’s pretty wild atm.

People like to pretend like this is a new problem. It isn’t. It was the exact same way in classic vanilla and you can’t claim shamans were dominating battlegrounds back then, slaying 10 people at once without breaking a sweat.

The problem is the players on the alliance side. Cross-faction battlegrounds would alleviate the problem somewhat for alliance players, but in turn make the issue worse for horde players. Alliance players just like to cry. That is the sad truth.


Take a look at which class does the most damage atm :hugs:

why would ally cry about pally domination

Making sweeping generalizations makes you look dumb, this is also the sad truth.

Cause when alt had to fight paladins you’ll see how op they are

It is a conclusion drawn from a readily observable phenomenon. An exception to a rule does not in fact prove the rule doesn’t exist.

i am kinda currious, what the next “fix” to the pvp system in SoD will bring.

Yet, i think the fix // p5 situation rn is far more fun, than the AV riding training experience :smiley:

I have played both sides of the fence

And both suck monkeys bumholes

Alliance – Dont cap, some run like sheep to the farm, some AFK, sometimes one crazy dude will cap a base

Horde – Free wins, meaningless trivial drivel, complete zug zug mentality, I honestly think they enjoy this, playing games vs people that are afk/not trying, I just afk when on Horde now, pointless farming players that are not pvping imo, I just do other stuff online till it ends.

GG BLizz and GG wow players cant blame blizz for everything