How to Fix the DK Class in PvP

Okay so DKs are with no doubt terrible rn in Arena with Blood being by far the best option (top 5 DKs on EU are Blood).
Ive been 2.5k in the prepatch on frost DK 3v3 in a couple of days and 2.2k on like 3 other DKs (Unholy and frost) during the season, while only playing the LFG with randoms. Im not a R1 player and would obviously not even have the option to be one, since i don’t have have a team and am not pushing anything this season, however i’ve asked multiple r1 DKs about their opinions (for example Xeek,Mes, etc.) and they all have very similar opinions, so i do feel qualified to speak on this.

Let’s start with Frost. Frost, in my opinion, is better than unholy rn due to it actually having a decent kit and i dont think it needs a full rework, while most people wouldn’t be against it either. The main problem of Frost is that it just significantly lacks dmg rn compared to the prepatch for example where it was somewhere from A to S tier, this is simply because Blizzard decided to nerf Frost around 5-6 times in a row becaue of PvE and Unholy being pretty strong pre nerfs at the start of the expansion. The reason i say Frost is better than Unholy is because Frost has cheesy comps that could work to at least some extent like Dracocleave where you run all game while waiting on CDs or Frost + Enhance where you hope the healers dont press buttons, so you can oneshot them. Also Frost is insanely squishy to physical damage and is prone to getting completely oneshotted in a 3 second stun by literally just a warrior alone. My suggestion to Frost DK:

  • buff their damage by around 10%-12% to make up for the questionable nerf spams
  • make them take 5%+ less physical damage by increasing their armor or whatever else

Okay so Unholy needs way larger changes than Frost and probably a full rework, since it was (prior to the massive nerfs that completely killed the spec) much more oppresive than last season on lower rankings (anything below glad range, especially into casters) and basically does all its damage passively with dots and pets, so it was very easy to pilot and do well with when it was meta at start of season , which wasn’t the case last season. I don’t think the playstyle is fun either for the DK themselves because you have to manage so many mechanics at once, like Wounds, manually reapplying half duration Dots because of Ebonfever talent and Scourge striking for plaguebringer Dot damage increase , runes/runic power management / deathcoils and the most important mechanic out of all of them is cleaving with Death and Decay + CC to get people to stay in it, but only the dots, which are mostly passive and unfun to manually reapply so often and the passively summoned pets from riders were actually doing all your damage. So my suggestion for Unholy:

  • remove the Ebonfever talent (Diseases deal 12% more dmg over half the duration), which is not even a last row talent and completely 100% defines your spec and the way you play the game, while making the gameplay less enjoyable due to manually reapplying dots so frequently and more automated NPC like, its also not viable to run a build without ebonfever, since even during the “S tier Unholy phase” your abilities and mechanics actually did almost 0 damage, while being heavily carried by Dots and passive riders Pets, so the non Ebonfever Unholy build would have most likely ended up in B tier or something
  • heavily buff the core Unholy kit by very high numbers that would make up for the last 2 sets of nerfs + the removal of Ebonfever
  • this would include Wounds damage, Deathcoil damage, potentially making Clawing Shadows impactful and if those become “too strong” then also replace the execute damage talent (Reaping) with something less synergistic
  • Very importantly the Unholy DK San’Layn Hero talents need a massive rework to make it more fun and flavourful but also actually a viable option , since currently its basically doing absolutely nothing other than some theoretical niche situations of cleaving melees that wouldn’t practically even make it stronger than riders.
  • For example make the Vampiric strike modifier scale properly with Clawing Shadows or even better, remove the Vampiric strike phase on Dark Transform and add a Vampiric Coil thingy additionally because Vampiric strike on unholy is insanely anti-synergistic with its core kit, since you dont want to ever spam your Wounds proccer ability while not having any Wounds, which makes it kinda situational in the first place, while having empowered coils would feel very good in the rotation and those being limited by runic power would make you want to press it but it also would make sense in your rotation.
  • You could also make San’Layn Unholy blight go onto the DK again instead of the pet and give it a vampiric aura style visual and empowerment, since obviously the total Dot damage would be massively nerfed so it wouldnt be a problem and feel somewhat active

Blood DK plays mostly like a Dps spec rn so i don’t think its unhealthy for the game other than the Deathstrike modifiers being a bit too extreme and the other abilities being too low

These are very sensible changes that i think most people could agree on, since Frost DK is often placed as the worst melee dps spec and a meme basically, while every highrated Unholy DK I asked agreed on what is needed too (ofc San’Layn can be reworked in many different ways).


amazing info!

Good suggestions! Ty.

Enh+fdk based not on hope of unused defs, like on a proper go and proper switches and cc. Ofc, we need some luck there, but how much enh+fdk you saw?

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Fdk need revert for this nerf at least. There are no reason for doing that. Just from d tier to d tier.

Obliterate no longer deals increased damage in PvP (was +20%).

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played against the flurry guy, felt cheesy and enhance has to do the dmg, so basically its just another one of those comps were frost dk is just a support spec without mortal strike and significantly overnerfed but y ig its better than frost fury tsg and possibly than frost ww walking dead. Oh i played against you actually on the one day i queued lfg start of season xd we were frost fury almost oneshotted you but then you killed us on the go right after with some random healer

Didnt see enough your right, id need to give it a try but very hard to find specific classes to play with with randoms or even anyone. Seems definetly like something fun to play and less frustrating than dracocleave

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For frost …they have got to add a mortal strike effect…otherwise you are a cc bot and hope the other dps deals plenty of dmg

To tell the truth, both of us have massive damage on go. Usually fdk gives much more than me in go. But you need to know, that our comp have bloodlust from me, pi and dark from priest. So it totally compensate the lack of stats. And we play 2-h fdk. No one handed. So we based only on 1m go. Thats a really fun comp based on proper go and switches!) and survivability(thats a hardest one))

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Yeah ill definetly play that comp if i can find some people lmao. Its way less frustrating when the frost dk can just play the game and set up gos, than getting 3 random people from lfg without voice to do something very specific at the same time on dracocleave and then properly rotate pillars instead of someone standing still. Basically impossible unless they played the comp before, which nobody on EU would consider playing even for long time xd

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Frost dk with this design will never be good no mather how much they buff class its pointless to ask for buffs or nerfs. Obliterate Killing machine need to be removed you will never have enough crit in pvp to be viable. It will be always setup go class. Fdk need dmg redesign, buffs wont help.

Unholy dk is hard to balance because of control kit and unavoidable dmg if they buff dmg a lil bit uhdk is automaticaly god of pvp and everyone crying around.
I personaly hate this dot build fake big aoe dmg no big hits killing power.
Unholy dk was best in df s2 after buff of clawing shadows all single target dmg insane killing power it was perfect class but as usual all casters were crying and i understad them they had zero chance.


It is kinda nuts the last time FDK was strong in PVP was Legion. Felt like you were the terminator back then :face_holding_back_tears:

it was okay for frost mage in legion ebonbolt to crit for 3 M during the first season, but in the same day sindragosas fury/frostwyrms fury got hotfixed to deal a measly 900k crit down from 3 million in PvP.

They dont want Dk to have any fun or be strong, no dev plays it

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