How to fix the multibox situation

multiboxing has a bad impact on the economy. prices for profession materials get so low that it isn’t profitable for the average player to sell them on the AH and nodes get depleted so fast that people on high pop servers are somewhat forced to buy mats on the AH rather than farming them in the open world.

I don’t think blizzard should ban multiboxing but they could change how gathering professions work in order to make multibox farming unviable.

Add randomised mini-games to ALL gathering professions.
I’m not thinking of anything crazy, just something that’s more complicated than clicking a node. For herbs, they could add a mini-game where you have to untangle stalks/roots etc until a short timer runs out. the game should be very easy to complete but completely randomised, so it will be different for every character that clicks the node, thus making it impossible to complete with multiple characters at once.

I think that’s why they added the minigame to fishing where you have to click on the bobber when it begins to move because fishing was used by bots to generate large sums of gold back in the day.

If it is impossible for mboxers to multifarm nodes, they will pretty much have no reason to multibox so they will stop paying for their X accounts, and blizz will lose money. Aint gona happen

Hmmm, they say those google text captchas are easy too… but I seem to manage to get them wrong more times than not. Not sure what that says about my human-ness.

bzzt szzt

They could do that to make gathering more fun.

But even with that change they should still ban multiboxers on sight :^)

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Just personalised loot for nodes is all it needs. The boxers can do their thing, they can flock around and undercut each other into oblivion - but they shouldn’t be able to stop me from going and gathering what I need for my personal use (and to make some cauldrons for the guild).

OTOH, Zin is now 2.5g per unit on my realm, so I bought loads. It’s the cheapest herb now. There comes a point where it’s so cheap that I can invest my time better in other ways.

personal nodes would make multiboxing useless but it wouldn’t solve the issues it creates, it would make them even worse. with no competition for nodes, the AH would get flooded with mats and it would be even more difficult to make money with professions. it would make farming stuff for personal use more easy but it wouldn’t add value beyond that.

Garrison farms, let’s make alts great again and multiboxers can focus on farming mounts pets toys and tmog with their cash instead

Personally i dont use herbing or mining, or any gathering at all, to earn gold as a multiboxer. I just use the AH as a regular solo player would, trading mostly high value items. You do realize you can trade just a few items worth several millions of gold (instead of "farming for hours and hours… /yuk)

If they came up with a method to limit the amount of accounts eligable to loot nodes, i wouldnt mind it, if it was necessary for the economy.

Though… if it was impacking the economy negatively… im sure they would have taken steps aaaaages ago, or/and swiftly could do that, if need be.
But they havent? :stuck_out_tongue:

(its a looooong time ago they implemented that herb nodes can be tapped x 10 and mining nodes x 5)

There isn’t particularly a reason to assume gathering professions are intended make money, rather than just being something you do to avoid spending it. It’s not necessarily in the design of the game.

Right now, only herb/alch really makes a reliable profit, and it’s the outlier. Other professions don’t really make money. Can we really complain that after 18 months of BfA, we’re not getting the same profits we were back in 8.1? BfA is a tired old expansion, people just don’t need consumables like they used to.

People who get mega rich in WoW tend to do so by controlling the AH, not by gathering, even with a full flock of druids.

Please no.

I know personalised nodes might feel similar, but having to go out to gather at least puts players in view of other players. At least you aren’t totally isolated. At least your resource income is proportional to the time you spend gathering rather than the number of parallel garrisons you own.

Perma ban anyone who multiboxes.
Prblem solved.

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there are sooooooooooo many that has atleast a second account or more, for various reasons.

They havent banned it and the discussions were basically exhausted back in 2007.

They still are.


You don’t count time to log in on each alt and gather your farm?

Some people aren’t excited to compete for nodes in open world or see the rivals and know damn it, if not this player being here I would have been done by now. What about introverts?

P.S. basically your arguments are in for more time being spend, I just want to state I am against spending time on node farming mini game. It’s just different pov

Multibox in raids or dungeons instead, takes same time as usual and you multiply the profits by amount of accounts you use.

Anything a single player can do to make gold, multiboxer can more often than not make better profit, boosting may be an exception but I’m sure that can be done to some capacity.

Capcha’s(minigames to do basic things) affect me as a player, I don’t want my experience to be impacted in ways that are tedious like this because of players who drop more cash for these perks.
Stick them on their own realm, their own auction house, their own shard and let them get on with the game.
Still a rapid way to earn gold and let us do the same(without having the compete against boxers for prices or farm materials), if they don’t like it they can play the game like the rest of us instead? :upside_down_face:

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