How to fix tier/mog aquisition

  • Remove catalyst charges. Let people catalyst freely whenever at the start. This also fixes the galaxy brained suggestion where higher tints unlock the ones below it. Which leads to…

  • Remove tier from the vault, as it’ll only clog it up. I’m sure many of you have gotten the same piece of tier more than once instead of actual upgrades after a certain point.

  • Add more ways to obtain tier. Maybe let people obtain curios that much easier. Or perhaps letting people turn 6 vault tokents into tier if you think the above options are too “nice”.

What do you say?

I agree that the acquisition of tier appearances is a mess during the season where it is relevant.

Particularly when certain pieces have bad secondary stats for your spec, so you don’t want to spend your weekly vault slot on picking it over something that actually might be an improvement.

Controversially, I’d just unlock the full appearance set once the player gets 5 or 6 pieces.

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