How to fix WoW

you measure success in life by success in a video game

Honestly, I hate Delves as much as the next person. But I understand that there is a crowd who do like them. So they serve a purpose.

But I would agree to atleast make them less required. Make just make them the optional side content that they were supposed to be, rather than putting Gear and Crests in them.

just dont use them and do raids/keys instead problem sorted stop trying to change content others enjoy.


Not how the game was designed unfortunately.

Delves were designed for solo and world content players to give them a new gear route so yes thats how it was designed you choose to be there.


Yes. Because you act (and probably truly feel) that doing that sort of content makes you somehow ‘better’ and ‘more important’ than those who do not. It’s a toxic mindset that’s destructive to the whole social part of the game.

So yes… Because of people like you.
Not ONLY because of you, but it’s definitely one of the reasons.

They ARE optional. Just like all endgame content is. None of it is required.

They were not ‘supposed to be’ side content. They’re a new endgame pillar, designed with solo and world content players in mind. That is what they’re supposed to be.

Because not everything is about raiders or M+ players.


That’s the spirit. Add to the delves rather then taking them away

Would you kindly explain to me how my add-ons that makes my minimap look nice or that shows me where what mog drops or where wich rare is are the cancer that causes all the problems in the game.

But the never where supposed to be optional side content. They are supposed to be an endgame pillar for solo and world players.
Taking away galear and crests is taking the purpose away.

Why is it that content that isn’t raid or m+ has to be side content?


comparing addons to a real life illness that takes countless life every day , you really need to rethink your posts.


Just make them have similar gameplay as Torghast. That way you could have some “fun” at least.
I know i had alot of fun in torghast during SL but thats what i felt and experienced as a warlock.

No. Thats my gameplay you’ll be taking away from me.

They already did. Its in your transmog collection.

Your opinion. Also player housing will be NOTHING like garrisons.

They never removed them. Remind me again of how Humans have a soft enrage like Orcs do and Orcs have a double-use hearthstone on a 15 minute cooldown.

No we don’t because Blizzard didn’t know how to write the old faction war except to make it “murrr… me hate guy with different colour skin… murrrrrr.”

Or to try and give their darling Sylvanas a reason to exist. Look how that turned out.

“I’ll never serve!!”… Course you won’t sweetie. Course you won’t.

lol no. They can barely justify Allied races as a whole except for Vulpera who definitely belong in the Horde, Kul Tirans who definitely belong in the Alliance. The rest are just reskins of existing races added to opposing factions to alleviate “we want high elves”

And lets not forget the laughable and pathetic reason for the Nightborne joining the Horde.

“Oh we couldn’t possibly join the Alliance as Tyurande was mean to me and made me cry and isn’t that tall Blood Elf just dreamy…” long wistful sigh

Thought you wanted a faction war? Isn’t that what BfA was all about, Considering how hard everyone dribbles on about Sylvanas and her stunning military victories.

Very very few if not any leaders have won a war by destroying their own stronghold

LOL. Well. Take from that what you will.

yes lets get back to 1,2,3… 1,2,3… 1,2,3…

If anything is going to kill WoW that’s a cyanide capsule right there.

They are. My Death Knight can’t use Consecration and my Paladin can’t use Army of the Dead.

My Hunter can’t use Demonic gateway and my warlock can’t use Bestial Wrath.

My Demon Hunter can’t ise Power Infusion and my Priest can’t use Fel Rush.

God son, so far your ideas are either already in there, will kill WoW or just your opinion of why (insert thing here) sucks

Eh? Eh???

Soft story? Dalaran (or it’s remains) would like a word.


Hahahaha yes right now, everyone is Blizzard is reading this before pushing back their chairs and saying “oh no!!! we have a new deadline! Meet one random player’s expectations! have at it people!!”

Well they tried “Königsberg and his demands” but thought Midnight was better.

They weren’t wrong.

But thanks for the damn good laugh nonetheless.


That would assume they are thought out in the first place, rather than being the general mind slurry he or she regularly pours into their forum posts.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they regularly phone up their dr complaining they have a sniffle and blame it on add ons and the poor receptionist is now at the point of soon as they hear the voice they just hang up.

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Don’t make them like Torghast. Torghast wasn’t fun

I am gonna take it from you!

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Actually I chose not to be there. That’s why I don’t do them.

But the point still stands. Early in the expansion they were the easiest way to get a certain level of gear. So many players felt them to be compulsory content.

Not myself, I’m lucky enough to have skipped the first couple of months of the expansion because I had far more exciting things to be doing.

You also seem oblivious to the fact I said in my original post, that they are there to serve a certain type of player. Because you want to remind me of that for some reason… I think you’re trolling. Fairly typical of conversations on this forum.

4 different people said the same thing to you that you were wrong and delves are the 4th pilar but we are trolling oh pls…

they were not though as raids/m + was open at same time as the later delves, you wouldnt know that as in your own words


M+ opened 1 week later than the higher delves. That DID make us M+ players ‘needing’ to smash as many bountiful 8’s in that first week. But right now with every content available i do not really see that requirement.

i think if you look back level 8 came at same time as m+ although “maps” were dropping for heroic level gear 1 week before.

No M+ was 1 week later.

look i like you and not going to get into a pointless debate and if im wrong im sorry but nobody was forced to and the late levels were gated to match the m+

Just checked both came out

When Will The War Within Season 1 Start?

The War Within Season 1 starts on September 10, 2024, but at that time, only Mythic Difficulty dungeons will be available!

tier 4 and upwards for delves will also unlock.

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