How to get a girlfriend in wow?

I don’t like playing alone and everytime i want to do something it’s the usual

"Sorry leveling with my gf "

" Don’t need a tank , i’m tanking girlfriend healing"

" Sorry doing 2’s with my girlfriend"

Raids " sorry me and her " " him and I going to have a glass of wine and do some chill stuff in WoW"

Don’t like playing alone Coper ? Get a wow gf huh huh

Any singles guilds out there ? Tired just being reminded how lonely i am. Just so many couples in wow =[ I just feel left out


tbh you find a girl who plays wow… you tell them you like them asap…


generally speaking girls in mmorpgs arent that demanding lol they are playing mmorpgs afterall …

from experience i will say can be a bit overly clingy and obsessive… could just be the ones i met though i dont speak for everyone… im sure there is some perfectly nice females who play wow somewhere :stuck_out_tongue:

good luck to you traveler

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Erm ok.

Were they on an RP realm just outside of stormwind by any chance? They clingy and obsessive for a reason lol.

Now now don’t get his hopes up! Everyone knows girls don’t play wow. G.I.R.L.s do but no girls.

Do you really want a wow girlfriend OP? Sounds a bit like you just need a guild.


Literally the worst advice ever. If you think you’re the first to approach a woman online because she’s a woman and you’re desperate, you’ll probably just get a block.


With pure luck, and have a good looking male character to increase the odds. That’s it.

Just find another guild, plenty of couples who don’t act like you mentioned - well occasionally perhaps.

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hey now… maybe you should give it a try before you are so quick to judge :).

i will be honest and say obviously there is more to it than i described…

don’t trust what people tell you on the internet.

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There is a lot of truth here. A lot of catfish out there!


How to get a girlfriend in WoW? You don’t unless you’re a chad, and if so you would have a harem of girlfriends already.


I always assume a female belf player is male I.R.L

I remember TBC launch , the countless guys i knew who rolled a female belf paladin

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That is why I miss the old times of wow where people helped each other leveling, socializing, dungeons, the social aspect was amazing some years ago.

For example my best friend and his wife have met each other on wow, for the simple reason that he was bored and decided to help some lower level people leveling just a “random” thing like that was enough to make they friends and slowly know each other.


what was that really old joke??

M. many
M. men
O. online
R. Role
P. Playing
G. Girls.

Edit: besides it is a well known fact that most the girls play finial fantasy 14. not wow


I remember a guy on Argent Dawn demanding that all female characters should be females irl because catfishing.

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TIL I’m ‘clingy and obsessive’. :joy:


one of my good friends met a girl on ff14… he was shy told me he really liked her…

so i backed him up told him to get out there and tell her…

they have been together for 5 years now…

she later went on to destroy mine and his friendship but that is another story…


I will be your girlfriend, just send me gold :hugs:


Gold always work as a bait…

Someone should make tinder for wow!


I’m not looking to buy one , this isn’t the Roman times

Am woman, met girlfriend online in another game. Can judge all I want, as fast as I want.


I know, but like irl if you are rich you easily find a gf. :smiley: