How to get a large mount collection?

Im kinda new into this game, so lots of things to learn and to do!
Please give me some advice for mounts you recomend to farm and to obtain.
I have a total of around 90 mounts at the moment ( around 60 are Horde which is what i mostly play ).
At least im going for the achievment for 100 mounts to start with!
Thank you!

Take a look at this and start to work on it.
The mount planner check box gives you a weekly route to run to get the rares but what I’d recommend is you start with the racial mounts.

For example you have no Troll or Tauren mounts, so either level a Troll & Tauren up to like 40? I think and buy them or farm the rep on your main and buy them.

Old expansion reputation mounts are the easiest to farm because you can set goals and achieve them in a time frame.

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I would recommend starting with MoP world boss mounts, since they are they have almost 100% drop chance


Don’t be like that go easy om the guy!

farm reps, faction reps have a ton of mounts in vendor, TBC factions have also a big selection of mounts from various colors

most reps have 1 or so mounts u can buy (except bfa which are super expensive)

garission has 6 easy to get from stables building, Trial of the crusader is also full of mounts for rep

i hit 100 mounts in wrath when u need to have all of them unlocked on same char, yes i farmed TBC reps twice :’(

professions also wield a good amount, engi and tailor for example

class mounts also, warlocks DK and paladins all have 2 (not stackable, so u only need one of these). however Paladins have 1 extra mount from trial of crusader events which puts them at +1 for overall classes and most likely the one u want to farm the trial event on a paladin

u also then have the legion class mounts for each class

There are better advisors than me

Best reply on these forums :smiley:
Laughed so hard :smiley:

your faction race mounts are easy to get, that should give you like 30 mounts for effectively free

most TBC factions are easy to grind out too and give like 9 mounts each, Mag’Har, Shatari Skyguard, Netherwing drakes etc

MoP factions also have quite a few mounts, and WoD has a mountain of recolored boars, wolves, elephants and whatnot that require literally 0 effort to get

After that, its pretty much a farming game

These are two of the wowhead guides on mount collecting

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Rule #1: If you care about the mount it wont drop. If you no longer care about it then it will drop.


I am just soooo done with Sha of anger, I dont even like cloud serpents!

You still care about it tho, and thats why it refuses to drop.

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I try not to care about Mims head :frowning:

points at rogues 0 keeper yogg saron kill date and mimiron drop date

You are now banned from tummy tickles for 1 hour !

Point is i didnt assume it would drop but went in for transmog reasons.

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1 in 3333 chance of dropping sadly

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