How to get back to gilneas

Basically I was doing the quest where you had to get the offerings to stop the angry ghosts and I did and I lvl up from it and got the ability to teleport to the Moonglade so I teleported there explored a bit then flew to some place called run’theran village and then didn’t know how to get back so I used the tp to Moonglade again then used the ability again and it brought me back to run’theran and now I’m stuck here and don’t know how to get back to gilneas where my quest is


Do you have a hearthstone still set to Gilneas? See if that works. If not, getting to the zone manually should do the trick. If the heartstone thing doesn’t work, I have an Alliance mage that can get you there.

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I tried the hearthstone it got set to trade something I forgot but I do have a starter account I don’t know if that complicates things

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…I guess we can always try and see!

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Ok I’m at the Moonglade now

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One scenic road trip later, it was discovered that teleporting to Moonglade leads to phases getting all wonky, thus making it impossible to return to the Worgen starting zone. Not the best first impression!

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Ok my game crashed and I had to restart my pc and I guess I’m gonna have to create a new character

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Might be the case, unfortunately! Thats said, I suppose if you don’t mind missing out on the last two or three quests of Gilneas, you can always HS back to Stormwind and continue on the druid. Although I would suggest a new character, purely because WoW is f2p up until level 20, which means you can explore all the different starting zones of the various races. :slight_smile:

Either way, have fun and enjoy the game!

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Ok I’ll probably do a worsen Druid again and not teleport to the Moonglade because I might be getting a subscription later

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