How to get good at the game ^^

Soo I was trying to get invited in dungeons 3/4 of the day with little to no luck. At one point a guildie of mine invited me to 18 and 19 to kind of show me what the big boys ( of witch I used to be since I did every dungeon +20 last season) were doing. Tank was DH and on some AoE pulls did more damage on me, despite me beaking my keyboard being Fury warrior. One DPS was another DH that did twice my damage somehow.

So I understood what blizz wanted us to do and started building my key. At the begging it was slow, but since I was geared I got the early part quck by getting +3 every dungeon. Now my key was + 15 and got +18. Lucky I didn’t get that ToT dungeon…

Now I que my +18 key and lo and behold every DH out there wants to play with me. I get an OP group and after a few dungeons I got my key to +21. And I got some pretty good gear.

Everyone who plays this game knows blizz are very bad at balancing the game. So far I got easy dungeons since one of the dungeon pool is pretty imbalanced compared to the others. Another imbalance that can be used is the fact that blizz made some classes just better than others. Good thing this is PvE, so just abuse their incompetence! I don’t know if they will or they won’t do some balance patch but just invite DHs to your keys and enjoy the free boost !

Long story short - How to get good at the game - Invite them Demon hunters and enjoy blizz’ bad class balance ^^

P.S. I am starting to wonder what’s the point … I feel bad being this weak compared to the super hero class and DHs must live in constant fear that all their hard work will be for nothing if blizz nerf hammer them to the ground, as they are known to do. I am pretty sure a lot of people will stop playing the game, if they do a real class balance patch, but the real question is: Why didn’t they do enough testing to see how big class imbalance is at the moment ?

If it takes you as long to ramp up your damage as it does to make a point I can see why you’re struggling.

Ill just assume some of the devs play DH.

That is anecdotal evidence. You got lucky in 1 group. It could have gone sideways too.

But the truth still remains. OP specs or not, leveling your own key is a 100% sure guarantee to get invited faster.

Because common. Be honest. You invited not only DHs, but DH with the most IO and the most gear that showed up in your list. :slight_smile:

So good job. Thats how things are done. And im not being sarcastic. I really mean it.

Bs and bs, u can clearly do +20 with every class there is not one class incapable of doing a 20 moron.

Meh! Most of the DH I see are bad, every so often a good one shows up. It’s usually better to just pick someone that looks like they main a different class, rather than a FOTM reroller.

Sure, I can clear +20 with every class but why bother when I can invite DH and BM hunter and make the dungeon 200% more easy ? DHs with 10 iLvL lower than my warrior are doing 100k more overall damage no matter what I press.

It sucks that in oreder to get score and secure a dungeon you HAVE to pick them but that’s how to get good at the game …

Git Gud !


Anybody else is amazed how many DH insta die at the first trash pull because they swoop in, take aggro before tank and die?
It happened so often at this point it is just hilarious.

Game balance is bad but it’s not that bad. If you’re getting beat by over 100k by DHs I’d suggest looking inwards just a smidge.

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I am not getting beat, this is not PvP, lol.
As I already wrote I am using DHs to get my key higher and “get good at the game”. Since M+ is coop expirience, I am totally fine being carried.

Blizz making me HAVE to pick DH as mandatory class was my issue. It seems fixed now - BM hunters and the new demo locks are now just as good so it’s fine, que times won’t be that hard.

So you invinited DH players that were 800 rio or you invited players that were way above you?
BEecause that is a big difference
Of course you gonna have easy time when 2,9k people will que for your 21
Try this with people that have similar timed keys as you
You gonna struggle :smiley:

No, I invited DHs the first 2 weeks of the expansion because it didn’t matter their skill level or gear, their class was and still is overtuned.
They boosted my key not because I was bad but because they were too good.

I think I made my point - it doesn’t matter if they are 2.9k or whatever, if they are the “RIGHT” class you are going to have good time and boost your score. I shared it with the community.

Blizz are VERY bad at balancing the game. This is just another post that informs the community about that. Argue with me if you believe the game is balanced. Fortunately this is PvE issue so I took advantage. That’s all.

OP your character looks like Charizard, is that intentional or I’m crazy?

If you imply that blizz make transmog that looks to you like a famous pokemon then you are giving pokemon guys ideas to sue blizz.

I don’t think you are correct anywyas :slight_smile:

This is BS. Really.

First 2 weeks most people were doing what? 15s? On those levels, and with a few peices of gear ANY spec is overgeared, any spek will slap hard, and nothing kills you.

After the 2 weeks (DHs are still overtuned btw) all of a sudden DHs cant keep up? What happened?

Here is what happened in reality: After the 2 weeks, when you actually have to show SKILL with your class do do keys above 15… all the FOTM DH rerollers that simply dash into every-single-frontal on the planet just die in any key above 18… And guess what, DEAD = 0 DPS. OP or not.

Ive seen it WAY to often. When I invite DHs to my keys, they need to show atleast 2.9k/3k in S2. To make sure they know what they are doing and know their class enough to do what needs to be done with out being FOTM spec.

Because im tired of having to Brez or spam heals to dumb DHs… and their stupid dashes…

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