How to get into Mythic dungeons

Hmmm i didnt know that, thank you very much for the info. I will google it.

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I think it is Calm keystones or zen horde.

/Me Looks at class :face_with_monocle:
A: You don’t :sweat_smile:

To be invited you need either huge iLvL or RIO score. The best way is to run some M0 (I am doing Operation Mechagon) and then using


There is no bad key~ eventually you will find some boosting premade like Tank+DPS or Heal+DPS.

Alliance - Scared of Dungeons
Horde - Zen Horde

these are two M+ oriented communities that have a focus on being welcoming and chill, and are an ideal place to begin your mythic journey. They also do run higher keys when you reach that stage. Absolutely worth checking out and applying to.
There are many experienced members in the communities so they’re also a good place just to ask questions for boss strats and tactics, or stuff like good routes during a particular affix week, or how to deal with affixes in general, as well as tips for different classes and optimising them.

This said they’re non-elitist so it’s very much player > spec. I’ve never had any issues getting groups with ZH on my marksmanship hunter for example. No pressure for me to spec BM for keys unless I wanted to do it.


Nah I meant a community. There’s a community tab and you an find mythic plus ones

Have a look here!

And [H] Zen Horde - Chilled PvE Community - #35 by Hínáta-kazzak


I wont argue with that. I was just reffering to what i’ve seen so far since i started on M+. Which is not long ago tbh. I entered M+ dungeons 1 month ago i beleive.

My disapointment is that since i resubbed, i managed to gear up fairly fast considering my available game time during the week. And now i have come to a stall.

Btw, does people only look for ilvl in mythics? Or is it something else as well, like achievments or something. Is there an addon/webpage that rates you for mythics in order to give other people info about your performance? is the place. U get score for dungeons.


So what kind of ilvl is considered huge in +2?
What is Rio score?

Sorry for the stupid questions but as i said i havent played wow since 2017.

RIO is some stupid addon people are using and ilvl? Probably something way above 450 :sweat_smile:

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Tyvm mate. I will google it as well.

Its not stupid :slight_smile: if i were u i would join a community like zen horde and post your keys up there. Say u are new to m+ and want to learn. Dont get disappointed if they dont jump in and help straight away, sometimes ppl dont have the time straight away.

Basically u are one of many dps applying for keys. So group leader will most likely choose the one with highest ilvl and rio that applies. Its just how it is. U have no score from prior seasone either. Just get into a community and start building that score. Ppl u enjoy playing with i recommend to add on your friendslist. Build yourself a pool of ppl to do m+ with.

Good luck and have fun :blush:


Generally the marker of M+ applications is RIO score, which you can’t see in-game per say. There is an addon that allows you to see it.

It’s essentially a score calculated from which dungeons you’ve successfully run in-time and what the highest key level was for that dungeon. The more dungeons you run in time, at higher keys, the higher your score. Although you only get score for each specific dungeon at the highest level you’ve played it.

If I time a Freehold +2 I get 20 RIO
If I time a +2 Underrot I get 20 RIO, so now I have 40 RIO
If I time a +4 Freehold, my Freehold score gets boosted from 20 to 40, so now my total RIO is 60.

So when looking for keys a general level people look for is that you’re within a short distance of having shown you’ve cleared all dungeons at around the key level just below the one you’re applying to. There are 12 dungeons so that’s 120 RIO points per key level to satisfy a “tier”.

So for example when applying to a Freehold 10, people will be looking for a RIo score that sgguests you’ve timed +8/+9 keys regularly which would be a RIo score of around 920-1080.

For +2s people probably want to know you’ve “done” some mythic before, so having a score above 0 is advisable, the higher it is, the more likely your chances of getting in.

Ilevel is a secondary concern, but largely after RIO. So for example you may have 1200 RIO because you’ve run lots of keys with your mates, this suggests you have timed +10s across the board. However if your ilevel is 430, you probably still won’t get invites because your gear is technically too weak, and with a score that high it suggests you’ve been “boosted” through those keys, which means someone making a group will probably avoid inviting you for fear of you not pulling your weight. The same score on a 450ilevel would probably get invited no questions asked assuming someone with either a higher RIO and/or ilevel isn’t applying to the same key at the same time.

So to get regular invites as a DPS involves a lot of running dungeons to evidence your RIo score to “prove” you’ve run them successfully before, and making sure you get a variety of dungeons whilst doing so. If I only ran for example Tol Dagor, KR and Temple, even at say +15, that still only adds up to 450 score on their own, which means most people will outright ignore my application to even a +13 for those keys. Some people may check my profile to see that the score is from those keys specifically, so i’m actually a good invite, but most just look at the score number alone, outside of context, so it’s very important to ensure you pad it with as many dungeons as you can at the highest levels you can do.

This is very tricky in the beginning, which is where the communities come in. They allow you to get in the door, once your score starts to build you can then start to PUG the dungeon keys you’re missing to build the score on your own. Once your score is pretty solid, invites are much more likely.

My hunter has a very unbalanced RIO atm (i’ve done +13s/14s/15s but only for 6 of the dungeons) and he has 463 ilvel but I will still be declined invites for even 8/9 keys for those dungeons i haven’t done because my RIO is too low, even if my ilevel suggests I am overgeared for it, because my profile provides no proof i have experience of those dungeons at a similar level. So I either have to run those missing dungeons at a lower level to build them up, or I have to hope someone does invite me for them at some point because then i’ll fill that gap.

PUG life as a DPS isn’t easy on your own and requires significant investment, which is why i’d suggest communities above all else. Zen Horde and SoD do not use RIO when making their own groups for example. When running their highest keys however they may insist you’ve done similarish before, but that’s largely for the people who are dedicated “key pushers”- generally speaking there is always room for people to get their 15 weeklies done during the week i’ve found. It’s keys higher than that where they begin to expect a little bit more in terms of “do you know what you’re doing”.


That was very informative.

Thank you very much


Underrot is great key. Esp low ones. They keys that drop mounts always fill up ez

No worries.

Just bear in mind DPS is the most competitive spot and so when you’re building score from 0, it’s rough, as you’re competing with everyone who has more score than you do.
You also need to be mindful certain (not all) players will always fish for certain classes because they either want them for armour stacking or falsely believe that because they’re “meta” at top end mythic, they’re also essential for success in lower keys. An example of this will be in a situaiton where a group already has 1 ranged dps and 1 melee dps, if you, as a mage are applying and a demon hunter applies at the same time, with the same ilevel and RIo as you, they will likely get picked by the majority because DHs are known to be a “meta” mythic DPS class, even if it’s just a +2.

Simply reinforces the “go through communities” recommendation, where because you’llget to know the people, they get to know you, so they bring you, the player, and not the class and some generated score. At the same time however you’ll generate the score needed to prove to PUG players you know what you’re doing.


My current guild is not a M+ or pve guild but we still do runs together, used to find extra’s in discord communities when we couldn’t fill a group, the disc community was pretty active as well
We grew overtime tho so that’s hardly ever neccesary but it’s miles better then the people you find using the in-game tooling
Surely there’s a few diamonds in the rough to be found in the in-game tooling, it’s just unlikely

Whaaaaatttt, UR is second best dungeon after WM

I had a similar problem, joined Scared of Dungeons community, have been able to get groups in there, ppl are really helpful and friendly.

A little later I also joined a casual guild and occasionally do runs with them too, mostly lower keys at first but a few of us are beginning to venture into higher keys now too.

Go with Scared of Dungeons first though, just speak up and people will include you if you join.

Thats only for alliance though, but Zen Horde is a good option for hordies :blush: