How to get Jaina to love me and then break her up with her in the most horrible way?

I have reason to believe that she ate a special made cake that was made for me. I told her I wouldn’t be mad, but now she believes that I’m trying to get under her skin, and she keep saying “After all these years, you’re still trying to get under my skin? Some things never change.” While laughing, and honestly I’m pretty mad. I have done everything for this world, for the alliance, and even her.

I rarely get any credit for stuff I do, but that cake…that cake was made for me, a small appreciation for all the things I have done and now I had just enough.

I don’t want to kill her or beat her. I just want to break her up with in the most horrible way so she can feel the pain I felt when she ate my cake, but to do that I have to make her fall in love with me and then somehow break up with her without pissing off the Anduin and her mom (dont ask why I’m worry about pissing off her mom)

Things that might help her fall in love with me

  • I’m a respect hero of the Alliance
  • She seems to respect me as a adventure/powerful weapon whenever she needs to get things done
  • I helped her with theramore and “moving the elf to a nicer place” in dalaran
    -I still have the locket that she gave Arthas, maybe I can use it?
  • I once agreed with her on something long time ago, during the entire panda thing (remember that?) , and she consider me a “A kindred soul”

Things that might not help me

  • I’m basically a walking demigod and might be seen as a person that isn’t capable of having a relationship
  • I’m known as the guy you call when poop has turned into bigger poop and needs to be fixed
  • I kinda had a “public” freakout when I found out that the cake wasn’t there and then went old god insane on her, but I plan on making a false apologize

The goal is to make her feel like horrible, but not to make her feel like too horrible that it would affect my current relationship to her mom and Anduin or any important figures within the Alliance. Please help

(Sorry for the horrible grammar, Also this is just a fun role playing thread. Have fun and try to be better then /vg/. Try to make funny suggestion that makes sense lorewise )

That sounds like a good idea, but I’m a warrior who have some experience with magic and enchanting, wouldn’t a archmage like Jaina have a idea of what inside of the cake? Also wouldn’t the mana bomb give her a pstd?

I’m fine with giving her pstd as long as it doesn’t get traced back to me.

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