How to get started in raiding/dungeons

hi everyone, hope i’m in the right place for this post.

i’ve always played casual pvp nothing much higher than 1.6k but currently i’m finding myself very bored when my partners aren’t online and i don’t enjoy using LFG for arenas currently.

i want to dip my toe into raiding/dungeons, I’ve done a few bosses in LFR and not really touched any mythic dungeons but the raiding seemed enjoyable but the bosses are very toned down obviously.

my question is how do you start getting into groups for normal raiding and learn the what to do in boss fights/dungeons? as with pvp it just a case of play play play and learn how to adapt against different classes.

thanks !

As Alliance, you’re in luck; join the Scared of Dungeons community. They are specifically there to get people into their first dungeons and raids.

Fair warning; due to the current content drought, SoD raids are currently paused (probably until 9.1). They absolutely will resume, and may happen ad-hoc if players choose to initiate them, but they aren’t currently being scheduled by the community management.

But in general, raids and even dungeon bosses are well documented, and you’ll find a lot of guides on youtube which I do recommend giving a casual watch prior to your first actual raid. You can also hit up LFR so things aren’t a total surprise; just remember that a mechanic that doesn’t seem to do anything in LFR is probably dangerous at higher difficulty.


smashing thank you alewin! i’ll join the community once i get online. really appreciate the information.

The easiest way to get into raiding is to join a guild that goes only up to Heroic raid. Do not join a mythic raiding guild immediately. Pugging while new to this type of content will be miserable. In pugs, you’re expected to know meta strats on day 1 of content being dropped.

There are many guilds trying to fill their roster for 9.1, and most of them have ambitions of just clearing Sanctum of Domination heroic. Try joining one of those. If it doesn’t go well, you can always join another guild.

look around for people from your server/connected server and inspect them, when you notice people that has normal/hc (whatever content you aim for) raid gear take note of their guilds.
maybe start with people you have pugged with, or have found yourself having a chat or banter ingame if you found them nice.
once you have an idea about what content different guilds in your server do, pick one compatible with your interests, and whisper someone to ask to talk to an officer.
once you are chatting with an officer, tell them what you are looking for, and ask if they might be interested in a new member.

once you find a compatible guild with a place for you, join them and see what happens.

PROTIP: avoid chesspool guilds, those with hundreds and hundreds of players and 6 raidteams. you are looking for a community, possibly around 20-30 regular people that you can slowly start knowing ingame and do progression with.


I cannot recommend this community highly enough - Both Alewin and myself are members(although i havent really been that active recently) and you will have no trouble getting in a group for anything from M0 up to +15 keys.


We have a community member that runs CN on fridays though, so the possibility for joining raids are there :slight_smile:


Oh, cool, probably haven’t noticed that because my fridays are usually D&D nights :slight_smile:

could anyone help me with an invite into scared of dungeons? i’ve tried to search their name in the community finder and nothing is showing up :frowning:


amazing thank you!


My advice would be to find a raiding guild that suits your goals. Most of them also do m+ runs.

You should start progressively, so you should firstly aim for an AOTC guild. Once you’re getting better at raiding, you can then process to go for a 5/10 M guild. Once you’re good enough, you just aim for better. I know what I’m saying looks like guild jumping but this is sadly the way.

only advice i can offer besides joining a guild or community is
if you pug CN normal and you get whisper from someone that wants to help you with"tips" about doing better dps on a normal raid
if he/she is same class as you but is lower geared ignore them
its clearly meant to be"your damage is low kind of trash talk"

For raiding, best to do it in LFR before heading to norm/hc. LFR and norm are mostly similar, so if you know one, you know the other too. Some groups will also tell the tactics in advance. If not, you can look it up on the internet or ask them yourself, but here on the forums I’m sure someone won’t mind helping you out.

Same for dungeons, go through the key levels step by step, as doing a DoS +6 right away will mean dying a thousand times and only a few have patience for that. Best start with M0-s since they have no time limit.

I mean, depends on your goals.

If the OP really does want to go for cutting edge, then yeah, he has to use some guilds to get him there. But if he just wants to find some nice sociable people who do regular raids; that’s viable on the first hit :slight_smile:

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