How to get started?

Hi I am just a newbie looking for advice. I’ve roled played with friends (D&D) but not much, just 2 campaigns and we are not super serious on it. I wanted to give it a try to RP as I love the lore of this game. I am obsessed with the story of Lordaeron, Arthas, the Defias and Scarlet Crusade. All Alliance related as you can see hehe. I would like to know how can I get started. I suppose you don’t need addons, although if you need tell me which ones. I will use this TW event to level up. Is it better to look for something related with what i want to role or just start and see what happens? Thx in advance :smiley:

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Hello and welcome to WoW RP.

First, there are some addons that, while not necessarily needed, are so crucial to RP that not installing them will just hamper you. Main one is TRP3 (TotalRolePlay), which allows you to create profile for your character, including custom name, class, description of appearance and all sorts of cool stuff.
Some others, less needed, but still good are Listener (allows you to set how visible conversations are, can ping you when your name is mentioned, which is great in crowded areas and so on), CrossRP (so you can see profiles of players from opposite faction) and UnlimitedChatMessage (allows you to go over the single message character limit in game).

In terms of starting, it depends on what you´re after. You mentioned some themes you like, so would you want to create a character tied to these concepts or are you more open to just figuring out what you´d enjoy?
Also, do you want style of RP that´s more about casual conversation with other characters in a city, or something closer to DnD in terms of having specific story structure and being done in more of an organized way? Or do you wish to take part in something that´s more of a mix of the two?


Welcom to the wonderful world of roleplay. I hope you will like it here.

You could technically start right away without much, but I’d definitely recommend you some addons to have a better time on the server. There’s a whole lot of them and everyone has their preferences, but there are universally two that people recommend.

TRP 3 (and its Extended version) - It allows you to make a pretty expansive character sheet that other people can consult.

Listener - Absolutely essential for big events, as it lets you filter the messages around you to highlight people you’re currently focused on. And its Snooper part allows to specifically focus on one person.

When it comes to starting in terms of people, I would recommend you to join some Discords that will furnish you with events, hangouts, many different resources to make your RP start. On the contrary though, you probably should steer clear of the forums if you seek information, as they have a pretty meh history.
I recommend the Argent Dawn EU Roleplay Discord, which was created and has been held together by the pillar of the community Chaermie. I think it’s the most used one.
As I see you play an undead, there is also the Horde AD RP Community that can help finding specific Horde stuff.
Sadly I don’t know much about Alliance side servers as I don’t remotely play that side enough.

Once you found some place where to start RPing, honestly, just jump into it ! You’ll find a lot of success just getting curious in people’s activities, walking near people and emoting a bit your curiosity, someone’s bound to just ask “hey sir/m’am, can I help you ?”. Or if you’re more comfy with starting discussions, well, just approach people and let the flow carry you !

Good luck and maybe see you around the server !

The most popular (and helpful) addons are already mentioned, as well as looking for the community discords. Argent Dawn has plenty of them, thematic or for hubs, you should be able to find something that suits you.

Another place where you can have a look is the Argent Archives site, where you can find event information, infos about characters and guilds and much more!

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