I’ve been trying to get this drop 481 times now and It’s really getting boring.
I’ve been farming it on 7 shamans for ages yet to see it drop.
Anyone has recent experience of acquiring this item?
I really want to play Shaman seriously, but I really don’t want to play a class unless I have serious transmog for it. I can’t be playing on a serious level looking like a noob. My lust for playing shaman is starting to get critical.
Well it is just blizzards RNG. Annoying as hell. It took me about…a year…a year and half or something just to get Swift Zulian Panther. Some days I couldn’t be bothered and did something else and then went back to grinding. Took about the same amount of time for Blue Proto-Drake. If you really want the item you just have to keep at it.
You can’t fool the RNG gods, they are above all those tricks.
If you want to go to SoO to do other things but secretly your desire is to get the dark shaman set then RNG gods will see your trick. The only way to not be cursed by the RNG gods is by not wanting to have the dark shaman set. Only when you remove the desire from inside you the RNG gods will not curse you. You got it because you actually were free of the desire of getting it.
Or by sacrifising a chicken on the giant stone dice alter at a random time between Midnight and 3am on the a day where you get Heads five times in a row tossing a coin.