I’ve been questing in dragon isles for ages, and trying to reach emerald dream for quite some time, but somehow I miss a pre quest for this.
Anybody please help me.
Yes I did al quests for Captain Drine.
Shandris is not to be found in Valdrakken.
The start quest isn’t available anymore as I’ve heard.
Is there a level restriction to entering the Emerald Dream?
I’m lvl 41 right now.
Any tips welcome!
Sorry to have to tell you, but yes. Level 70.
The Emerald Dream opening/unlocking starts with the quest
from Shandris at the steps in Valdrakken, and it is restricted to level 70+, so she won’t offer it to you yet.
At 41, you are in Chromie Time.
Chromie Time allows the mobs in levelling zones to scale down to you - but only in levelling zones.
After levelling, each expansion also has end-game zones. We were in Dragonflight for two years. It took only a few days at most to level. Blizzard added content for people at level 70 to do after levelling, and The Emerald Dream was part of that.
Chromie Time is intended to give people a choice of places to level, and the devs don’t add endgame zones into that.
From 41, it won’t take long for you to get to 70 .
Don’t get your hopes up too much though - The Emerald Dream in Dragonflight was not a well developed zone, just a small place where people could do daily quests and a repeatable event.
Thank you!!! Finally an answer that solves it…
Back to the questing I guess
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